Pratélaning panampa Nobel Bedhamèn

Institut Nobel Nurwègen (The Nurwègenn Nobel Institute) mbiyantu Komité Nobel Nurwègen (the Nurwègenn Nobel Committee) sajeroning nyelèksi calon panampa lan nyiapaké acara taunan penganugerahan Nobel ing Oslo.

Bebungah Nobel Bedhamèn iku sawijining bebungah sing dianugerahaké saben taun déning Komité Nobel Nurwègen "marang sadéngah wong sing wis ndarmabhaktèkaké karya paling apiké tumrap paseduluran antara bangsa-bangsa, kanggo ngilangaké utawa ngurangi kabutuhan wadyabala lan kanggo njaga lan promosi upaya damai."[1]


Taun Pamenang[A] Negara[B] Alesan[C]
1901 Frédéric Passy Prancis "[for] being one of the main founders of the Inter-Parliamentary Union and also the main organizer of the first Universal Peace Congress."[2][3]
Jean Henry Dunant Switserlan "[for] his role in founding the International Committee of the Red Cross"[2][3]
1902 Élie Ducommun Switserlan "Honorary Secretary, Permanent International Peace Bureau"[4]
Charles Albert Gobat Switserlan "Secretary General, Inter-Parliamentary Union; Honorary Secretary, Permanent International Peace Bureau"[4]
1903 William Randal Cremer United Kingdom "Member, British Parliament; Secretary, International Arbitration League"[5]
1904 Institut de Droit International Belgium "for its efforts as an unofficial body to formulate the general principles of the science of international law."[2][6]
1905 Bertha von Suttner Ostenrik-Hungary "Honorary President of Permanent International Peace Bureau; Author of Lay Down Your Arms"[7]
1906 Theodore Roosevelt Amérikah Sarékat "for his successful mediation to end the Russo-Japanese war and for his interest in arbitration, having provided the Hague arbitration court with its very first case"[2][8]
1907 Ernesto Teodoro Moneta Italia "President, Lombard League of Peace,"[9] was "prominent as a worker for peace in Italy."[10]
Louis Renault Prancis "Professor International Law,"[9] was "the permanent delegate of Prancis to The Hague Tribunal."[10]
1908 Klas Pontus Arnoldson Swèdhen "Founder of Swedish Peace and Arbitration League"[11]
Fredrik Bajer Dhènemarken "[for his]work in the Inter-Parliamentary Union with being the first president of the International Peace Bureau"[2][11]
1909 Auguste Marie François Beernaert Bèlgi "ex-Prime Minister; Member, Bèlgin Parliament; Member of Cour Internationale d'Arbitrage"[12]
Paul-Henri-Benjamin d'Estournelles de Constant Prancis "Member, French Parliament (Sénateur); Founder and President of French parliamentary group for voluntary arbitration; Founder, Committee for the Defense of National Interests and International Conciliation"[12]
1910 International Peace Bureau Switserlan "Founded in 1891"[13]
1911 Tobias Michael Carel Asser The Netherlands "Initiator of the Conferences on International Private Law at the Hague; Cabinet Minister; Lawyer"[14]
Alfred Hermann Fried Ostenrik "Journalist; Founder of Die Friedenswarte"[14]
1912 Elihu Root Amérikah Sarékat "ex-Secretary of State; Originator of various treaties of arbitration"[15]
1913 Henri La Fontaine Belgium "Member, Bèlgin Parliament (Sénateur); President, Permanent International Peace Bureau"[16]
1914 Ora ana
1917 International Committee of the Red Cross Switserlan [17]
1918 Ora ana
1919 Woodrow Wilson Amérikah Sarékat "President of Amérikah Sarékat of America; Founder of the League of Nations"[18]
1920 Léon Victor Auguste Bourgeois Prancis "ex-Secretary of State; President, French Parliament (Sénat); President, Council of the League of Nations"[19]
1921 Hjalmar Branting Swèdhen "Prime Minister; Swedish Delegate, Council of the League of Nations"[20]
Christian Lous Lange Nurwègen "Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union"[20]
1922 Fridtjof Nansen Nurwègen "Scientist; Explorer; Nurwègenn Delegate, League of Nations; Originator of "Nansen passports""[21]
1923 Ora ana
1925 Austen Chamberlain United Kingdom "Foreign Secretary; Part-originator of Locarno Pact"[22]
Charles Gates Dawes Amérikah Sarékat "Vice-President of Amérikah Sarékat of America; Chairman of Allied Reparation Commission (Originator of "Dawes Plan")"[22]
1926 Aristide Briand Prancis "Foreign Minister; Part-originator of Locarno Pact and Briand-Kellogg Pact"[23]
Gustav Stresemann Jerman "ex-Lord High Chancellor (Reichs-kanzler); Foreign Minister; Part-originator of Locarno Pact"[23]
1927 Ferdinand Buisson Prancis "Formerly Professor, Sorbonne University, Paris; Founder and President, League for Human Rights"[24]
Ludwig Quidde Jerman "Professor, Berlin University; Member, German Parliament; Participant of various peace conferences"[24]
1928 Ora ana
1929 Frank B. Kellogg Amérikah Sarékat "ex-Secretary of State; Part-originator of Briand-Kellogg Pact"[25]
1930 Lars Olof Jonathan (Nathan) Söderblom Swèdhen "Archbishop; Leader in the ecumenical movement"[26]
1931 Jane Addams Amérikah Sarékat "Sociologist; International President, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom"[27]
Nicholas Murray Butler Amérikah Sarékat "President, Columbia University; Promoter of Briand Kellogg Pact"[27]
1932 Ora ana
1933 Sir Norman Angell (Ralph Lane) United Kingdom "Writer; Member, Executive Committee of the League of Nations and of National Peace Council"[28]
1934 Arthur Henderson United Kingdom "ex-Foreign Secretary; President, Disarmament Conference in 1932"[29]
1935 Carl von Ossietzky Jerman "Journalist (die Weltbühne); Pacifist"[30]
1936 Carlos Saavedra Lamas Argentina "Secretary of State; President, League of Nations; Mediator in a conflict between Paraguay and Bolivia"[31]
1937 Cecil of Chelwood, Viscount (Lord Edgar Algernon Robert Gascoyne Cecil) United Kingdom "Writer, ex-Lord Privy Seal; Founder and President, International Peace Campaign"[32]
1938 Nansen International Office For Refugees Switserlan "An international relief organization, started by Fridtjof Nansen in 1921"[33]
1939 Ora ana
1944 International Committee of the Red Cross Switserlan [34]
1945 Cordell Hull Amérikah Sarékat "ex-Secretary of State; Prominent participant in the originating of the United Nations"[35]
1946 Emily Greene Balch Amérikah Sarékat "Formerly Professor of History and Sociology; Honorary International President, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom"[36]
John Raleigh Mott Amérikah Sarékat "Chairman, International Missionary Council; President, World Alliance of Young Men's Christian Associations"[36]
1947 Friends Service Council United Kingdom [37]
American Friends Service Committee Amérikah Sarékat
1948 Ora ana
1949 Lord (John) Boyd Orr of Brechin United Kingdom "Physician; Alimentary Politician; Prominent organizer and Director, General Food and Agricultural Organization; President, National Peace Council and World Union of Peace Organizations"[38]
1950 Ralph Bunche Amérikah Sarékat "Professor, Harvard University Cambridge, MA; Director, division of Trusteeship, U.N.; Acting Mediator in Palestine, 1948"[39]
1951 Léon Jouhaux Prancis "President of the International Committee of the European Council, vice president of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, vice president of the World Federation of Trade Unions, member of the ILO Council, delegate to the United Nations"[40]
1952 Albert Schweitzer Prancis "Missionary surgeon; Founder of Lambaréné (République de Gabon)"[41]
1953 George Catlett Marshall Amérikah Sarékat "General President American Red Cross; ex-Secretary of State and of Defense; Delegate U.N.; Originator of "Marshall Plan""[42]
1954 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Switserlan "An international relief organization founded by the U.N. in 1951"[43]
1955 Ora ana
1957 Lester Bowles Pearson Kanadha "former Secretary of State for External Affairs of Canada; former President of the 7th Session of the United Nations General Assembly";[44] "for his role in trying to end the Suez conflict and to solve the Middle East question through the United Nations."[2]
1958 Georges Pire Bèlgi "Father of the Dominican Order; Leader of the relief organization for refugees "L'Europe du Coeur au Service du Monde""[45]
1959 Philip J. Noel-Baker United Kingdom "Member of Parliament; lifelong ardent worker for international peace and co-operation"[46]
1960 Albert Lutuli Afrika Kidul "President of the African National Congress,"[47] "was in the very forefront of the struggle against apartheid in South Africa."[2]
1961 Dag Hjalmar Agne Carl Hammarskjöld Sweden "Secretary General of the U.N.,"[48] awarded "for strengthening the organization."[2]
1962 Linus Carl Pauling Amérikah Sarékat "for his campaign against nuclear weapons testing"[49]
1963 International Committee of the Red Cross Switserlan [50]
League of Red Cross societies Switserlan
1964 Martin Luther King, Jr. Amérikah Sarékat "Leader of "Southern Christian Leadership Conference""[51]
1965 United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) United Nations [52]
1966 Ora ana
1968 René Cassin Prancis "President of the European Court for Human Rights"[53]
1969 International Labour Organization United Nations [54]
1970 Norman E. Borlaug Amérikah Sarékat "International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center;"[55] "for his contributions to the "green revolution" that was having such an impact on food production particularly in Asia and in Latin America."[2]
1971 Willy Brandt Federal Republic of Jerman "Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Jerman; for West Jerman's Ostpolitik"[56]
1972 Ora ana
1973 Henry A. Kissinger Amérikah Sarékat "For the 1973 Paris agreement intended to bring about a cease-fire in the Vietnam war and a withdrawal of the American forces"[2][57]
Lê Ðức Thọ (refused) Democratic Republic of Vietnam
1974 Seán MacBride Ireland "President of the International Peace Bureau; President of the Commission of Namibia."[58] "For his strong interest in human rights: piloting the European Convention on Human Rights through the Council of Europe, helping found and then lead Amnesty International and serving as secretary-general of the International Commission of Jurists"[2]
Eisaku Sato Japan "Prime Minister of Japan,"[58] "for his renunciation of the nuclear option for Japan and his efforts to further regional reconciliation"[2]
1975 Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov Soviet Union "[for his] struggle for human rights, for disarmament, and for cooperation between all nations"[59][60]
1976 Betty Williams United Kingdom "Founder[s] of the Northern Ireland Peace Movement (later renamed Community of Peace People)"[61]
Mairead Corrigan Ireland
1977 Amnesty International United Kingdom "[for] protecting the human rights of prisoners of conscience"[2][62]
1978 Mohamed Anwar Al-Sadat Mesir "for the Camp David Agreement, which brought about a negotiated peace between Mesir and Israèl"[63]
Menachem Begin Israèl
1979 Mother Teresa India "Leader of Missionaries of Charity"[64]
1980 Adolfo Pérez Esquivel Argentina "Human rights leader;"[65] "founded non-violent human rights organizations to fight the military junta that was ruling his country (Argentina)."[2]
1981 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees United Nations "An international relief organization founded by the U.N. in 1951"[66]
1982 Alva Myrdal Sweden "[for] their magnificent work in the disarmament negotiations of the United Nations, where they have both played crucial roles and won international recognition"[67][68]
Alfonso García Robles Mexico
1983 Lech Wałęsa Poland "Founder of Solidarność; campaigner for human rights"[69]
1984 Desmond Mpilo Tutu South Africa "Bishop of Johannesburg; former Secretary General, South African Council of Churches"[70]
1985 International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War Amérikah Sarékat [71]
1986 Elie Wiesel Amérikah Sarékat "Chairman of "The President's Commission on the Holocaust""[72]
1987 Óscar Arias Sánchez Costa Rica "for his work for peace in Central America, efforts which led to the accord signed in Guatemala on August 7 this year"[73]
1988 United Nations Peace-Keeping Forces United Nations "[for] their efforts [that] have made important contributions towards the realization of one of the fundamental tenets of the United Nations"[74][75]
1989 The 14th Dalai Lama (Tenzin Gyatso) Tibet "[for] his struggle for the liberation of Tibet [and] consistently has opposed the use of violence. He has instead advocated peaceful solutions based upon tolerance and mutual respect in order to preserve the historical and cultural heritage of his people."[76][77]
1990 Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev USSR President of the Soviet Union, "for his leading role in the peace process which today characterizes important parts of the international community"[78]
1991 Aung San Suu Kyi Burma "for her non-violent struggle for democracy and human rights"[79]
1992 Rigoberta Menchú Tum Guatemala "[for] her work for social justice and ethno-cultural reconciliation based on respect for the rights of indigenous peoples"[80]
1993 Nelson Mandela South Africa "for their work for the peaceful termination of the apartheid regime, and for laying the foundations for a new democratic South Africa"[81]
Frederik Willem de Klerk South Africa
1994 Yasser Arafat Palestine "for their efforts to create peace in the Middle East"[82]
Yitzhak Rabin Israèl
Shimon Peres Israèl
1995 Joseph Rotblat United Kingdom "for their efforts to diminish the part played by nuclear arms in international politics and, in the longer run, to eliminate such arms"[83]
Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs Canada
1996 Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo East Timor "for their work towards a just and peaceful solution to the conflict in East Timor."[84]
José Ramos-Horta East Timor
1997 International Campaign to Ban Landmines Amérikah Sarékat "for their work for the banning and clearing of anti-personnel mines"[85]
Jody Williams Amérikah Sarékat
1998 John Hume Ireland "for their efforts to find a peaceful solution to the conflict in Northern Ireland"[86]
David Trimble United Kingdom
1999 Médecins Sans Frontières Switserlan "in recognition of the organization's pioneering humanitarian work on several continents"[87]
2000 Kim Dae Jung South Koréa "for his work for democracy and human rights in South Koréa and in East Asia in general, and for peace and reconciliation with North Koréa in particular"[88]
2001 United Nations "for their work for a better organized and more peaceful world"[89]
Kofi Annan, Photo: Harry Wad Kofi Annan Ghana
2002 Jimmy Carter Amérikah Sarékat "for his decades of untiring effort to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts, to advance democracy and human rights, and to promote economic and social development"[90]
2003 Shirin Ebadi Iran "for her efforts for democracy and human rights. She has focused especially on the struggle for the rights of women and children."[91]
2004 Wangari Muta Maathai Kenya "for her contribution to sustainable development, democracy and peace"[92]
2005 International Atomic Energy Agency Ostenrik
"for their efforts to prevent nuclear energy from being used for military purposes and to ensure that nuclear energy for peaceful purposes is used in the safest possible way"[93]
Mohamed ElBaradei Mesir
2006 Muhammad Yunus Bangladesh "for advancing economic and social opportunities for the poor, especially women, through their pioneering microcredit work"[94]
Grameen Bank Bangladesh
2007 Al Gore Amérikah Sarékat "for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change"[95]
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Switserlan
2008 Martti Ahtisaari Finlan "for his important efforts, on several continents and over more than three decades, to resolve international conflicts"[96]
2010 Liu Xiaobo  China "for his long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights in China"[97]
2011 Ellen Johnson Sirleaf  Liberia "for their non-violent struggle for the safety of women and for women's rights to full participation in peace-building work"[98]
Leymah Gbowee
Tawakkul Karman  Yemen
2012 European Union  European Union "for over six decades contributed to the advancement of peace and reconciliation, democracy and human rights in Europe."[99]
2013 Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons International "for its extensive efforts to eliminate chemical weapons."[100]
2014 Kailash Satyarthi  India "for their struggle against the suppression of children and young people and for the right of all children to education"[101]
Malala Yousafzai  Pakistan
2015 Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet  Tunisia "for its decisive contribution to the building of a pluralistic democracy in Tunisia in the wake of the Jasmine Revolution of 2011"[102]
2016 Juan Manuel Santos  Colombia "for his resolute efforts to bring the country's more than 50-year-long civil war to an end, a war that has cost the lives of at least 220,000 Colombians and displaced close to six million people"[103]
2017 International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons   Switzerland "for its work to draw attention to the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of any use of nuclear weapons and for its ground-breaking efforts to achieve a treaty-based prohibition of such weapons"[104].
2018 Denis Mukwege, Nadia Murad Républik Dhémokratik Kongo / Irak
2019 Abiy Ahmed Étiopia


  • "All Nobel Peace Prize Laureates". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-29.
  • "Nobel Prize winners by category (peace)". Encyclopædia Britannica. Dibukak ing 2008-11-29.
  1. "Excerpt from the Will of Alfred Nobel". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-12-03.
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Lundestad, Geir (2001-03-15). "The Nobel Peace Prize, 1901–2000". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-28.
  3. a b "The Nobel Peace Prize 1901". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-10-20.
  4. a b "The Nobel Peace Prize 1902". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  5. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1903". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  6. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1904". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  7. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1905". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  8. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1906". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  9. a b "The Nobel Peace Prize 1907". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  10. a b "Peace Prize is divided; Teodoro Moneta of Italy and Louis Renault of Prancis Share It". The New York Times. 1907-12-11. Dibukak ing 2009-01-25.
  11. a b "The Nobel Peace Prize 1908". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  12. a b "The Nobel Peace Prize 1909". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  13. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1910". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  14. a b "The Nobel Peace Prize 1911". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  15. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1912". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  16. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1913". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  17. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1917". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  18. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1919". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  19. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1920". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  20. a b "The Nobel Peace Prize 1921". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  21. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1922". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  22. a b "The Nobel Peace Prize 1925". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  23. a b "The Nobel Peace Prize 1920". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  24. a b "The Nobel Peace Prize 1927". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  25. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1929". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  26. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1930". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  27. a b "The Nobel Peace Prize 1931". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  28. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1933". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  29. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1934". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  30. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1935". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  31. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1936". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  32. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1937". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  33. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1938". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  34. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1944". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  35. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1945". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  36. a b "The Nobel Peace Prize 1946". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  37. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1947". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  38. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1949". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  39. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1950". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  40. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1951". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  41. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1952". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  42. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1953". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  43. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1954". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  44. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1957". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  45. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1958". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  46. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1959". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  47. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1960". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  48. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1961". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  49. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1962". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  50. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1963". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  51. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1964". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  52. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1965". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  53. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1968". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  54. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1969". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  55. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1970". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  56. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1971". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  57. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1973". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  58. a b "The Nobel Peace Prize 1974". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  59. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1975". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  60. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1975–Presentation Speech". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-12-03.
  61. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1976". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  62. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1977". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  63. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1978". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  64. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1979". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  65. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1980". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  66. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1981". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  67. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1982". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  68. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1982–Presentation Speech". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-12-03.
  69. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1983". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  70. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1984". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  71. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1985". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  72. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1986". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  73. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1987". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-10-20.
  74. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1988". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  75. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1988–Press release". Nobel Foundation. 1988-09-29. Dibukak ing 2008-11-28.
  76. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1989". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-11-12.
  77. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1989–Press release". Nobel Foundation. 1989-10-05. Dibukak ing 2008-11-28.
  78. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1990". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-10-20.
  79. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1991". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-10-20.
  80. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1992". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-10-20.
  81. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1993". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-10-20.
  82. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1994". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-10-20.
  83. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1995". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-10-20.
  84. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1996". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-10-20.
  85. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1997". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-10-20.
  86. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1998". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-10-20.
  87. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1999". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-10-20.
  88. "The Nobel Peace Prize 2000". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-10-20.
  89. "The Nobel Peace Prize 2001". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-10-20.
  90. "The Nobel Peace Prize 2002". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-10-20.
  91. "The Nobel Peace Prize 2003". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-10-20.
  92. "The Nobel Peace Prize 2004". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-10-20.
  93. "The Nobel Peace Prize 2005". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-10-20.
  94. "The Nobel Peace Prize 2006". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-10-20.
  95. "The Nobel Peace Prize 2007". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-10-20.
  96. "The Nobel Peace Prize 2008". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2008-10-10.
  97. "The Nobel Peace Prize 2010". Nobel Foundation. Diarsip saka sing asli ing 2011-12-02. Dibukak ing 2010-10-08.
  98. "The Nobel Peace Prize 2011". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2011-10-07.
  99. "The Nobel Peace Prize 2012". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 12 Oktober 2012.
  100. "The Nobel Peace Prize 2013" (PDF). Nobel Foundation. Diarsip saka sing asli (PDF) ing 2013-10-11. Dibukak ing 2013-10-11.
  101. "The Nobel Peace Prize 2014". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2014-10-10.
  102. "The Nobel Peace Prize 2015". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2015-10-09.
  103. "The Nobel Peace Prize 2016". Nobel Foundation. Dibukak ing 2016-10-07.
  104. "The Nobel Peace Prize 2017 - Press Release". Dibukak ing 2017-10-06.

Pranala njaba

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Campervan Fiat coachbuilt Campervan (atau van kemping ), kadang-kadang disebut sebagai mobil kemping, karavan, atau rumah motor adalah kendaraan self-propelled yang menyediakan transportasi dan akomodasi untuk beristirahat. Istilah ini terutama menggambarkan van yang telah dipasang dengan bodi tambahan, sering kali dengan badan coach untuk digunakan sebagai akomodasi. Ambiguitas dengan motorhome Dua campervans Class C, sasis Freightliner Sprinter (kiri) dan Ford E-Series (kanan). Volkswagen A...

Neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilVila MilitarNeighborhoodVila MilitarLocation in Rio de JaneiroShow map of Rio de JaneiroVila MilitarVila Militar (Brazil)Show map of BrazilCoordinates: 22°51′54″S 43°24′10″W / 22.86500°S 43.40278°W / -22.86500; -43.40278Country BrazilStateRio de Janeiro (RJ)Municipality/CityRio de JaneiroZoneWest Zone Vila Militar is a neighborhood in the West Zone of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. vteRio de Janeiro city n...

American violinist, writer (1872–1956) Leonora SpeyerLady Speyer by John Singer Sargent, 1907Born(1872-11-07)7 November 1872[1]Washington, D.C.Died10 February 1956(1956-02-10) (aged 83)[2]New YorkNationalityAmerican/BritishOccupation(s)Violinist PoetSpouses Louis Meredith Howland ​ ​(m. 1894⁠–⁠1902)​ Sir Edgar Speyer ​ ​(m. 1902; died 1932)​ Children4 Leonora Speyer, L...

Law school of New York University in Manhattan, New York City Not to be confused with New York Law School. 40°43′49″N 73°59′58″W / 40.73028°N 73.99944°W / 40.73028; -73.99944 This article contains academic boosterism which primarily serves to praise or promote the subject and may be a sign of a conflict of interest. Please improve this article by removing peacock terms, weasel words, and other promotional material. (August 2023) (Learn how and when to remov...

Street in London For the street in Dublin, see Great Denmark Street. Not to be confused with Denmark Strait. Denmark Street in 2010 Denmark Street is a street on the edge of London's West End running from Charing Cross Road to St Giles High Street. It is near St Giles in the Fields Church and Tottenham Court Road station. The street was developed in the late 17th century and named after Prince George of Denmark. Since the 1950s it has been associated with British popular music, first via publ...

Historic building in Hvar, Croatia Arsenal Hvar The Hvar Arsenal is a historic building in the town of Hvar, Croatia. It was first constructed in the 14th century as a maintenance shipyard for the galley of the commune. Through the ages it was further expanded and gained additional functions.[1] Most notable is the historic theater (Hvarsko Kazalište [hr]), built in 1612 as part of the first floor, above the galley space. Today it is a multi-functional building centered ...

Artikel ini sebatang kara, artinya tidak ada artikel lain yang memiliki pranala balik ke halaman ini.Bantulah menambah pranala ke artikel ini dari artikel yang berhubungan atau coba peralatan pencari pranala.Tag ini diberikan pada Agustus 2020. Coen HissinkCoen Hissink dalam sandiwara Salomé pada 1917Lahir(1878-10-05)5 Oktober 1878Kampen, BelandaMeninggal17 Februari 1942(1942-02-17) (umur 63)Kamp konsentrasi Neuengamme, JermanPekerjaanPemeranTahun aktif1914-1942 Johan Coenraad Coen...

Bullying, with serious or playful intent For the combing method, see backcombing. Teasing has multiple meanings and uses. In human interactions, teasing exists in three major forms: playful, hurtful, and educative. Teasing can have a variety of effects, depending on how it is used and its intended effect.[1] When teasing is unwelcome, it may be regarded as harassment or mobbing, especially in the workplace and school, or as a form of bullying or emotional abuse. If done in public, it ...

قلعة المعظممعلومات عامةنوع المبنى قلعةالمكان منطقة تبوكالبلد  السعوديةالمدينة مركز المعظم، تبوكالاستعمال مزار سياحي معلومات أخرىالإحداثيات 27°44′25″N 37°30′33″E / 27.7404°N 37.5092°E / 27.7404; 37.5092 تعديل - تعديل مصدري - تعديل ويكي بيانات قلعة المعظم الأثرية هي قلعة تاريخ...

Region of Chittagong Division, Bangladesh This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Chauddagram Upazila – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (July 2021) (Learn how and when to remove this template message)Upazila in Chittagong, BangladeshChauddagram চৌদ্দগ্রামUpazilaSurikar...

For ashram of Satya Sai Baba, see Prasanthi Nilayam. 1969 Indian filmShanti NilayamTheatrical PosterDirected byG. S. ManiScreenplay byChitralaya Gopu[2]Produced byG. S. ManiS. S. VasanStarringGemini GanesanKanchanaCinematographyMarcus BartleyEdited byUmanathMusic byM. S. ViswanathanProductioncompanyGemini StudiosRelease date 23 May 1969 (1969-05-23)[1] Running time149 minutesCountryIndiaLanguageTamil Shanti Nilayam (transl. Peaceful House) is a 1969 Indian...

Second-level Ottoman province Sanjak of GeliboluOttoman Turkish: Liva-i GeliboluSanjak of the Ottoman Empire1376–19201907 Ottoman map of the Edirne Vilayet, including the Sanjak of Gelibolu in the bottomCapitalGeliboluHistoryHistory • Ottoman conquest 1376• Treaty of Sèvres 1920 Preceded by Succeeded by Byzantine Empire Sanjak of Gümülcine Kallipolis Prefecture Today part ofGreeceTurkey The Sanjak of Gelibolu or Gallipoli (Ottoman Turkish: Sancak-i/Liva-i Gelibolu) was...

Gesture of dropping a microphone For the song, see Mic Drop (song). For the reality show, see Drop the Mic. A mic drop is the gesture of intentionally dropping one's microphone at the end of a performance or speech to signal triumph. Figuratively, it is an expression of triumph for a successful event and indicates a boastful attitude toward one's own performance.[1] History Very last page of Then Swänska Argus in 1734. When laying down his magazine Then Swänska Argus at the end of 1...

East Surrey RegimentInsignia of the East Surrey RegimentActive1881–1959Country United KingdomBranch British ArmyTypeInfantryRoleLine infantrySize1–2 Regular battalions2 Militia and Special Reserve battalions1–4 Territorial and Volunteer battalionsUp to 12 Hostilities-only battalionsPart ofHome Counties BrigadeGarrison/HQThe Barracks, Kingston upon ThamesNickname(s)1st Battalion: The Young Buffs2nd Battalion: The Glasgow GreysMarchQuick: A Southerly Wind and a Cloudy SkySl...

Egyptian TV Programme The ThiefالحراميStory byMohammad BarakatStarring Ahmad Dash Bayoumi Fouad Rania Yousef Caroline Azmy Country of originEgyptNo. of seasons2No. of episodes20ProductionProducerAmir ShawkyRunning time13 minutesProduction companyAmir ShawkyOriginal releaseRelease25 July 2020 (2020-07-25) –12 August 2021 (2021-08-12) The Thief is an Egyptian comedy series that premiered in July 2020 on the internet for online viewing. Plot The series takes place during ...

Overview of the secularism in Bangladesh This article is part of a series on thePolitics of the People's Republic of Bangladesh Constitution Amendments Law of Bangladesh Human rights Article 70 Judicial review Government President: Mohammed Shahabuddin Prime Minister: Sheikh Hasina Cabinet: Hasina IV Taxation Agencies Civil Service Local governments Parliament Speaker: Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury Leader of the House: Sheikh Hasina Leader of the Opposition: Rowshan Ershad Judiciary Supreme Court:...