サンシャイン・コースト大学(サンシャイン コーストだいがく、英語: University of the Sunshine Coast、略称:USC)は、オーストラリアの公立大学。クイーンズランド州サンシャイン・コースト(ブリスベン北部)に位置する。
- School of Creative Industries
- School of Education
- School of Health and Sport Sciences
- School of Law and Criminology
- School of Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedicine
- School of Science and Engineering
- School of Social Sciences
- USC Business School
- 研究機関、センターなど
- Australian Centre for Pacific Islands Research
- Adolescent Risk Research Unit
- Centre for Human Factors and Sociotechnical Systems
- Cluster for Health Improvement
- Engage Research Cluster
- Forest Industries Research Centre
- GeneCology Research Centre
- Global Change Ecology Research Group
- Indigenous and Transcultural Research Centre
- Indigenous Studies Research Theme
- Inflammation and Healing Research Cluster
- Institute for Cyber Investigations and Forensics
- National Centre for Timber Durability and Design Life
- NURTURE - Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedicine Group for Research Excellence
- Sexual Violence Research and Prevention Unit
- Sunshine Coast Mind and Neuroscience - Thompson Institute
- Sustainability Research Centre
- Transcultural and Indigenous Pedagogies Research Group
- Tropical Forests and People Research Centre
- USC Road Safety Research Collaboration