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  1. ^ 築地市場、約100年前もあった移転騒動の深層 日本橋、築地、豊洲…「東京の魚河岸」の変遷”. 東洋経済ONLINE. p. 2. 2023年8月4日閲覧。
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Ukrainian footballer (1950–2021) This article is about a footballer from Kyiv born in 1950. For Sehiy Morozov from Mariupol born in 1961, see Serhiy N. Morozov. Serhiy Morozov photo of 2009Personal informationFull name Serhiy Yuriyovych MorozovDate of birth (1950-04-30)30 April 1950Place of birth Kyiv, Ukrainian SSR, Soviet UnionDate of death 22 October 2021(2021-10-22) (aged 71)Place of death Kyiv, UkrainePosition(s) MidfielderYouth career1964–1969 Dynamo Kyiv academySenior career*Year…

French cyclist Juliette LabousLabous at the 2018 European Road Cycling Championships.Personal informationFull nameJuliette LabousBorn (1998-11-04) 4 November 1998 (age 25)Roche-lez-Beaupré, FranceHeight165 cm (5 ft 5 in)Team informationCurrent teamTeam DSM–FirmenichDisciplinesRoadCyclo-crossRoleRiderAmateur team2008–2016VC Morteau Montbenoit Professional team2017–Team Sunweb[1][2] Medal record Women's road bicycle racing Representing  Fra…

Cattedrale del SalvatoreLa facciataStato Spagna Comunità autonomaAsturie LocalitàOviedo Coordinate43°21′45.3″N 5°50′35.09″W / 43.362583°N 5.843081°W43.362583; -5.843081Coordinate: 43°21′45.3″N 5°50′35.09″W / 43.362583°N 5.843081°W43.362583; -5.843081 Religionecattolica Arcidiocesi Oviedo ArchitettoRodrigo Gil de Hontañón Stile architettonicoromanico e gotico Inizio costruzioneXIII secolo Sito Modifica dati …

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