all that the Towne of Newcastle otherwise called Delaware and All that Tract of Land lying within the Compass or Circle of 12 Miles about the same scituate lying and being upon the River Delaware in America And all Islands in the same River Delaware and the said River and Soyle thereof lying North of the Southermost part of the said Circle of 12 Miles about the said Towne.
^The state of Delaware, [is] perpetually enjoined from disputing the sovereignty, jurisdiction, and dominion of the state of New Jersey over the territory adjudged to the state of New Jersey by this decree; and the state of New Jersey, [is] perpetually enjoined from disputing the sovereignty, jurisdiction, and dominion of the state of Delaware over the territory adjudged to the state of Delaware by this decree.
^Search archives of for "BP gas terminal dealt setback", January 24, 2006
^Thomas D. Cope, "Some Local Scholars Who Counselled the Proprietors of Pennsylvania and their Commissioners during the Boundary Surveys of the 1760s," Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 99, no. 4 (August 1955), pp. 268–276, p. 275.
^Brooke Hindle, David Rittenhouse, Princeton University Press, 1964, pp. 20–21.