高山 晟(たかやま あきら、1932年6月2日 - 1996年1月2日)[1][2]は、日本の経済学者。南イリノイ大学ヴァンデヴィア経済学冠教授。専門は国際貿易論。
ロチェスター大学ではロナルド・ジョーンズとライオネル・マッケンジーに師事した[5]。さらに、ハリー・G・ジョンソン、ショーチ・ツァン(英語版)にも博士論文の執筆の際に指導を受けた[5]。日本でも、一橋大学の小島清、赤松要、久武雅夫、都留重人、さらに、アラン・グレーソン(Alan H. Gleason)、カール・クレイダー(Carl Kreider)の指導を受けた[5]。直接指導は受けていないものの、森嶋通夫、二階堂副包、宇沢弘文の世界での活躍に強い刺激を受けたと述べている[5]。
国際貿易の分野で顕著な業績をあげた。Journal of Macroeconomics, Journal of Economic Integration, Review of International Economics, Economics Lettersの学術誌の編集に携わった。国際基督教大学では、高山の名を冠した学術奨励賞が創設された[6]。
- International Trade: An Approach to the Theory, 1972, New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston ISBN 0030842158
- Mathematical Economics, 1985, Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521257077
- Analytical Methods in Economics, 1993, University of Michigan Press. ISBN 9780472101627
- Economic Development in East and Southeast Asia: Essays in Honor of Professor Shinichi Ichimura (edited by 高山晟 and Seiji Naya), 1990, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, ISBN 9813035641
- Trade, Policy, and International Adjustments (edited by 高山晟, 大山道広, and 太田博史), 1991, San Diego, California: Academic Press, Inc., ISBN 1-4832-6022-4
- "On a Two-Sector Model of Economic Growth: A Comparative Statics Analysis", 1963, Review of Economic Studies, 30(2): 95-104.
- "Economic Growth and International Trade", 1964, Review of Economic Studies, 31(3): 207-220.
- "On a Two-Sector Model of Economic Growth with Technological Progress: A Comparative Statics Analysis", 1965, Review of Economic Studies, 32(3): 251-262.
- "Regional Allocation of Investment: A Further Analysis", 1967, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 81(2): 330-337.
- "Behavior of the Firm Under Regulatory Constraint", 1969, American Economic Review, 59(3): 255-260.
- "Behavior of the Firm Under Regulatory Constraint: Clarifications" (with Mohamed El-Hodiri), 1973, American Economic Review, 63(1): 235-237.
- "On Biased Technological Progress", 1974, American Economic Review, 64(4): 631-639.
- "On the Optimal Growth of the Two Sector Economy" (with John Z. Drabicki), 1975, Keio Economic Studies, 12(1): 1-36.
- "Devaluation, the Specie Flow Mechanism and the Steady State" (with Richard K. Anderson), 1977, Review of Economic Studies, 44(2): 347-361.
- "The Wealth Effect, the Capital Account, and Alternative Policies Under Fixed Exchange Rates", 1978, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 92(1): 117-147.
- "An Antinomy in the Theory of Comparative Advantage" (with John Z. Drabicki), 1979, Journal of International Economics, 9(2): 211-223.
- "The Classical Theory of International Adjustment: Comments" (with Richard K. Anderson), 1979, Econometrica, 47(4): 1039-1046.
- "Tariffs, The Terms of Trade and Domestic Prices in a Monetary Economy: A Further Analysis" (with Richard K. Anderson), 1981, Review of Economic Studies, 48(3): 537-539.
- "Money, National Debt, and Economic Growth" (with John Z. Drabicki), 1984, Journal of Economic Theory, 33(2): 356-367.
- "A Dual Approach to Measuring the Nearness of Near-Monies" (with Grant E. Sims and Chi-chur Chao), 1987, Review of Economics and Statistics, 69(1): 118-127.
- "On the Le Chatelier-Samuelson Principle" (with Richard K. Anderson), 1992, Keio Economic Studies, 29(1): 9-15.