"Weak Gross Substitutability and the Existence of Competitive Equilibrium ," Econometrica 33 (July 1965), 593-599.
"A Note on the Global Stability of a Simple Growth Model with Many Capital Goods," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 82 (November 1968), 657-665, (with E. Burmeister and R. Dobell).
"The Factor-Price Frontier, Duality and Joint Production," Review of Economic Studies, 37 (January 1970), 11-19, (with E. Burmeister).
"The Factor-Price Equalization Theorem," Econometrica, 40(July 1972), 723-736.
"Limitations of the 'Coase Theorem' on Liability Rules," Journal of Economic Theory , 6 (December 1973),606-613, (with Ken-ichi Inada).
"Voter Antagonism and the Paradox of Voting," Econometrica, 40 (November 1975), 1045-1067, (with Hiroaki Nagatani).
"General Saddlepoint Property of the Steady State of a Growth Model with Heterogenous Capital Goods," International Economic Review, 18(February 1977), 29-58.
"Additivity and the Entropy Concept: An Axiomatic Approach to Inequality Measurement," Journal of Economic Theory, 25 (August 1981), 131-143, (with F.A. Cowell).
"Budget Constraint of a Firm and Economic Theory," Economic Theory 8 (1996), 137 - 153.