^Seabag-Montefiore, Hugh (2006). Dunkirk: Fight to the last man. London: Viking (Penguin Group). ISBN0-670-91082-1
^No one knows for sure why the plane stalled, but isolating a fuel tank seems to be the most likely reason, according to Raoul Hayoit de Termicourt's report, which was handed to Belgian General[要曖昧さ回避] Van Overstraeten on 31 January 1940. Under the heading 'The cause of the (crash) landing' on pp. 5-7 of the de Termicourt report he confirms that no bullets had hit the plane, and that there was no evidence that petrol had leaked out of the fuel tanks. There was a substantial amount of fuel in the tanks when the plane was examined after the crash. De Termicourt stated that the most likely reason that the plane had stalled was that Hoenmanns had inadvertently moved the lever that controlled the flow of petrol to the engine. If the lever was moved as De Termicourt suggested, the petrol in the tanks would have been isolated from the engine. This would have resulted in the engine stopping suddenly as Hoenmanns reported
^ abReinberger, Helmuth, Major (13 September 1944). Reinberger's Statement, From the Huygeier Papers..
^Report of 12 January 1940 conversation, CDH, Overstraten file.
^13 January 1940 telegram sent at 4.40 a.m. from Brussels, in CDH, File A Farde 2 C111
^The documents stated: Daneben ist beabsichtigt, mit Teilkräften (X. A.K. mit unterstellter 1. Kav. Div.) den holländischen Raum mit Ausnahme der Festung Holland in Besitz zu nehmen.
^Mechelen-Zwischenfall, in: Enzyklopädie des Nationalsozialismus, Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart 1997, S. 580
Jean Vanwelkenhuyzen: Die Niederlande und der „Alarm" im Januar 1940 in: Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte Jahrgang 8 (1960), Heft 1, S. 17- 7. Online (PDF; 5,6 MB)