Wolf's Kleine Schriften, edited by Gottfried Bernhardy (Halle, 1869).
Works not included in that are the Prolegomena, the Letters to Heyne(Berlin, 1797), the commentary on the Leptines (Halle, 1789) and a translation of the Clouds of Aristophanes (Berlin, 1811).
Vorlesungen über die vier ersten Gesänge von Homer's Ilias edited byLeonhard Usteri (Bern, 1830)
Mark Pattison, essay in the North British Review of June 1865, reproduced in his Essays (1889)
John Edwin Sandys|JE Sandys, History of Classical Scholarship iii. (1908), pp. 51-60.
Friedrich August Wolf (1999), Reinhard Markner and Giuseppe Veltri editors, in German