Actually the ten commandments must have been written first in egyptian script because at the time the jews (semitic nomad tribe) have gone out of egypt for later attacking Kanaan with king city Hebron like described in the holy book "the hebrew script did not exist" and the original stone tablets have been never found and searching for hebrew script tablets is wrong way. Also much of the much later written metal tablets of mormon have been written in egyptian script like told in book of mormon. The first 5 written commandments have been for the egyptians like desribed in Book of the Dead:
Speach of the dead
Dekalog (after jewish counting)
1. Honouring of the gods
1. No other gods exapted
2. Honouring of father and mother
5. Honouring of father and mother
3. Not killing
6. Not murdering
4. Not stealing
8. Not stealing
5. Not doing any other unright
9. Not wrong talking
The ten commandments text is not saying that other gods like Aton, Baal, Siva, Odin, Zeus, Amma etc. are not existing it`s just written that JHWH is an intolerant god. The first monotheism was from Echnaton and Nofretete calling out only Aton as real god in egyptian mythology world or maybe from enlighted Zarathustra 1800 b. Chr. teaching also a monotheism (Ahura Mazda or Asha)and an inmaterial world before the material world like in the egyptian mythology and also today an inmaterial world after one of the highest philosophic schools of the tibetians the "Only ghost school" [1] and explanation of creation by hinduism. The translation in the ten commandments with "servant" instead "slave" is in opposition to other languages Wikipedia translations like in german Wikipedia but can be cleared by comparision with "house of slavery" in orginal text.
In new history have been also 10 commandments from the former DDR system in germany from Walter Ulbricht. See also german Wikipedia article:"10 Gebote für den neuen sozialistischen Menschen"
The genesis was written much later than the ten commandments. The first christianized country was Armenia later whole europe with first europian politician pope Alexander VI at the time of forced christianization and Capitulatio de partibus Saxoniae. The first translation of the holy book into german tribesgothic language in runic script was from bishop Wulfila but not wanted and he must exile to enemy rome.
Maybe runic script did exist before latin and hebraic script but not much written on durable materials. The runes should come directly from creator of the world and first humans Askr and Embla together with his brothers Vili and Vé god Odin who created at the time of his self sacrifice 9 days and 9 nights wounded from his own spear inside the life (sephirot) and world tree yggdrasil. The apocalypse in german tribesmythology was ragnarök with a world after R. and reborn Odin as Fimbultyr like described inside older poetic and newer Edda. Eating the apples from godess Idun was not a sin like positive healing witchwork or incarnations also directly from Odin as Wodan. The 3 rivers of fate inside the paradise are coming from 3 norns. The snake in paradise was Jörmungandr. The devil was female Hel (being). The rainbow sign was Bifröst.