Jonathan Stroud

B Year Award Name Award Body Result Ref.
The Screaming Staircase 2013 Cybils Award (Speculative Fiction) Cybils Awards Vann [1]
2013 Goodreads Choice Award (Middle Grade & Children's) Goodreads Tilnefning [2]
2014 Los Angeles Times Book Prize Los Angeles Times Finalist [3][4]
2014 Edgar Awards (Best Juvenile) Mystery Writers of America Tilnefning [5]
2014 WeRead Prize Jewish Community Secondary School Vann [6]
2014 Booktrust Best Book Awards (9-11 Best Story) BookTrust and Amazon Kindle Shortlisted [7]
2014 North Carolina Young Adult Book Award Tilnefning [8]
2014 Carnegie Medal CILIP Tilnefning [9]
2014 Worcestershire Teen Book Award Worcestershire Public Libraries Shortlisted [10]
2014 Silver Inky Award Inside a Dog Shortlisted [11]
2015 Sakura Medal International Librarians of Japan Tilnefning
2015 Warwickshire Secondary Book Awards Stratford Girls' Grammar School Vann [12]
2015 Coventry Inspiration Book Awards Coventry City Council Shortlisted
2015 UKYA Blogger Awards UKYA Blogger Awards Tilnefning [13]
2015 The Weald Book Award The Weald School Shortlisted [14]
2015 Popular Paperbacks for Young Adults American Library Association Vann [15]
2016 Beehive Book Awards (Young Adult Fiction) Children's Literature Association of Utah Tilnefning [16]
2016 Nevada Young Readers' Award (Intermediate) Nevada Library Association Vann [17]
2016 Sasquatch Award Washington Library Association Tilnefning [18]
2017 Rebecca Caudill Young Readers' Book Award Rebecca Caudhill Tilnefning [19]
The Whispering Skull 2014 Goodreads Choice Award (Middle Grade & Children's) Goodreads Tilnefning [20]
2015 Amazing Audiobooks for Young Adults American Library Association Top 30 [21]
The Hollow Boy 2015 Goodreads Choice Award (Middle Grade & Children's) Goodreads Tilnefning [22]
The Creeping Shadow 2016 Goodreads Choice Award (Middle Grade & Children's) Goodreads Tilnefning [23]
The Empty Grave 2017 Goodreads Choice Awards (Middle Grade & Children's) Goodreads Tilnefning [24]
2017 Booklist Editor's Choice for Youth Booklist Vann [25]
2019 Carnegie Medal CILIP Tilnefning [26]

  Jonathan Anthony Stroud (fæddur 27. október 1970) er enskur rithöfundur sem hefur aðallega skrifað fyrir unga lesendur innan bókmenntagreinarinnar fantasíur. Hann er þekktastur fyrir ungmennabókaflokkinn Bartimaeus og Lockwood & Co. sem er ætlaður lesendum frá 8 til 12 ára. Verk hans gerast oftast í ímynduðum heimi í London. Þær hafa hlotið athygli fyrir háðsádeilu sína og notkun töfra til að endurspegla þemu stéttabaráttu. Fyrir Bartimaeus bókaflokkinn var Jonathan veitt verðlaunin Grand Prix de l'Imaginaire og Mythopoeic Fantasy Awards. Verk Jonathans hafa einnig verið tilnefnd hjá American Library Association (ALA ) fyrir bækur fyrir börn og ungt fólk. Árið 2020 tilkynnti Netflix að sjónvarpssería byggð á Lockwood & Co. væri í bígerð, en tökur hófust í júlí 2021.


Jonathan Stroud fæddist árið 1970 í Bedford á Englandi. Hann byrjaði að skrifa mjög ungur. [27] Jonathan ólst upp í St Albans og þar gekk hann í Wheatfields Junior School og síðar St Albans Boys' School . [28] Sem ungur drengur naut hann þess að lesa bækur, teikna myndir og skrifa sögur. Hann rekur dálæti sitt á lestri og skrifum til þess að hann glímdi við alvarleg veikindi á aldrinum sjö til níu ára. Bóklesturinn lyfti honum upp í veikindunum og kom í veg fyrir að honum leiddist á sjúkrahúsinu. [29] Eftir að hann lauk námi í enskum bókmenntum við háskólann í York starfaði hann sem ritstjóri hjá Walker Books útgáfunni í London. Á tíunda áratugnum byrjaði hann að gefa út eigin verk og lesendur voru fljótir að fá ástfengi á honum.

Meðal verka hans er [30] Bartímeus-þríleikurinn, sem hefur hlotið athygli fyrir ádeilu sína og notkun töfra til að kanna þemu stéttabaráttunnar. Með því að segja söguna frá sjónarhóli Bartímeusar, sem er kaldhæðinn og örlítið sjálfhverfur töfraandi, skoðar Stroud staðalmyndir töframanna og þrælaanda. [31] [32] Bækur í þessum flokki eruVerndargripurinn frá Samarkand, Auga Gólems, Ptolemy's Gate og forleikurinn The Ring of Solomon. Þríleikurinn um Bartímeus hefur verið gefinn út víða um heim.

Árið 2013 kom Lockwood & Co.: The Screaming Staircase út og hlaut lof gagnrýnenda, þar sem Rick Riordan kallaði Stroud „snilling“. [33] Önnur bókin, The Whispering Skull, kom út í september 2014. Þriðja skáldsagan, sem ber titilinn The Hollow Boy, var tilkynnt í keppni á vegum Stroud, þar sem lesendur voru beðnir um að senda inn hugmynd um draug sem væri persóna í þriðju sögunni. [34] Fjórða bókin, The Creeping Shadow, kom út árið 2016 og síðasta bókin í seríunni, The Empty Grave, kom út árið 2017. [35]

Seint á árinu 2020 tilkynnti Netflix að Lockwood & Co. bókaflokkur Jonathans Strouds yrði gerð að sjónvarpsþætti framleidd af Nira Park, Rachael Prior og Joe Cornish . [36] Tökur hófust í júlí 2021 í London. [37]

Jonathan Stroud býr í St Albans, Hertfordshire, með þremur börnum sínum og eiginkonu sinni Ginu, [38] sem myndlýsir barnabækur. [29]

Book Year Award Name Award Body Result Ref.
The Amulet of Samarkand 2004 Best Books for Young Adults American Library Association Top Ten [39]
2004 Notable Children's Books American Library Association Vann [40]
2004 Boston Globe–Horn Book Award The Boston Globe and The Horn Book Magazine Honor book [41]
2004 Locus Award (YA) Locus Tilnefning [42]
2004 Selected Audiobooks for Young Adults American Library Association Vann [43]
2005 Nevada Young Readers' Award (YA) Nevada Library Association Tilnefning [44]
2005 Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis for Jugendbuch Tilnefning [45]
2006 Evergreen Teen Book Award Washington Young Adult Review Group Tilnefning [46]
2006 Georgia Peach Book Award for Teen Readers Georgia Library Association Tilnefning [47]
2007 Indian Paintbrush Book Award (Grades 4-6) Wyoming Library Association Tilnefning [48]
The Golem's Eye 2005 Selected Audiobooks for Young Adults American Library Association Vann [49]
2005 Best Books for Young Adults American Library Association Vann [50]
2005 Locus Award (YA) Locus Tilnefning [42]
2007 Colorado Blue Spruce Award (YA) Colorado Blue Spruce Young Adult Book Awards Tilnefning [51]
Ptolemy's Gate 2006 Cybils Award (Speculative Fiction) Cybils Awards Vann [52]
2006 Locus Award for Best Young Adult Novel Locus Tilnefning [42]
2006 Corine International Book Prize Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels Vann [53]
2007 Selected Audiobooks for Young Adults American Library Association Vann [54]
2007 Notable Children's Recordings American Library Association Vann [55]
Bartimaeus trilogy (books 1–3) 2006 Mythopoeic Fantasy Award for Children's Literature Mythopoeic Society Vann [56]
2007 Grand Prix de l'Imaginaire (Youth Novel) Utopiales Vann [57]
The Ring of Solomon 2010 Costa Children's Book Award Costa Coffee Tilnefning [58]
2010 Der Leserpreis (The Reader's Award) Shortlisted [59]
2012 Amazing Audiobooks for Young Adults American Library Association Vann [60]
Book Year Award Name Award Body Result Ref.
The Screaming Staircase 2013 Cybils Award (Speculative Fiction) Cybils Awards Vann [61]
2013 Goodreads Choice Award (Middle Grade & Children's) Goodreads Tilnefning [62]
2014 Los Angeles Times Book Prize Los Angeles Times Finalist [63][64]
2014 Edgar Awards (Best Juvenile) Mystery Writers of America Tilnefning [65]
2014 WeRead Prize Jewish Community Secondary School Vann [66]
2014 Booktrust Best Book Awards (9-11 Best Story) BookTrust and Amazon Kindle Shortlisted [67]
2014 North Carolina Young Adult Book Award Tilnefning [68]
2014 Carnegie Medal CILIP Tilnefning [69]
2014 Worcestershire Teen Book Award Worcestershire Public Libraries Shortlisted [70]
2014 Silver Inky Award Inside a Dog Shortlisted [71]
2015 Sakura Medal International Librarians of Japan Tilnefning
2015 Warwickshire Secondary Book Awards Stratford Girls' Grammar School Vann [72]
2015 Coventry Inspiration Book Awards Coventry City Council Shortlisted
2015 UKYA Blogger Awards UKYA Blogger Awards Tilnefning [73]
2015 The Weald Book Award The Weald School Shortlisted [74]
2015 Popular Paperbacks for Young Adults American Library Association Vann [75]
2016 Beehive Book Awards (Young Adult Fiction) Children's Literature Association of Utah Tilnefning [76]
2016 Nevada Young Readers' Award (Intermediate) Nevada Library Association Vann [77]
2016 Sasquatch Award Washington Library Association Tilnefning [78]
2017 Rebecca Caudill Young Readers' Book Award Rebecca Caudhill Tilnefning [79]
The Whispering Skull 2014 Goodreads Choice Award (Middle Grade & Children's) Goodreads Tilnefning [80]
2015 Amazing Audiobooks for Young Adults American Library Association Top 30 [81]
The Hollow Boy 2015 Goodreads Choice Award (Middle Grade & Children's) Goodreads Tilnefning [82]
The Creeping Shadow 2016 Goodreads Choice Award (Middle Grade & Children's) Goodreads Tilnefning [83]
The Empty Grave 2017 Goodreads Choice Awards (Middle Grade & Children's) Goodreads Tilnefning [84]
2017 Booklist Editor's Choice for Youth Booklist Vann [85]
2019 Carnegie Medal CILIP Tilnefning [86]

Önnur verk

Bók Ár Nafn verðlauna Verðlaunastofnun Niðurstaða Ref.
Hetjur dalsins 2009 Premio El Templo de las Mil Puertas fyrir Mejor novela extranjera independiente style="background: #FFE3E3; color: black; vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; " class="no table-no2 notheme"|Tilnefning [87]
2010 Locus verðlaun (YA) Locus Tilnefning [42]
2010 Bestu bækurnar fyrir unga fullorðna style="background: #9EFF9E; color: #000; vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; " class="yes table-yes2 notheme"|Vann [88]
2010 Carnegie Medalía í bókmenntum style="background: #FFE3E3; color: black; vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; " class="no table-no2 notheme"|Tilnefning
2011 Premio El Templo de las Mil Puertas fyrir Mejor novela extranjera perteneciente a saga style="background: #FFE3E3; color: black; vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; " class="no table-no2 notheme"|Tilnefning [89]

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  25. Phelan, Carolyn (1. nóvember 2017). The Empty Grave. Sótt 18. júlí 2021.
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  28. Anglesey, Melanie (10. mars 2011). „St Albans gave inspiration to bestselling fantasy writer Jonathan Stroud“. St Albans & Harpenden Review.
  29. 29,0 29,1 "About Jonathan Stroud". Retrieved 7 March 2010
  30. „New York Times Best Sellers (Children's) February 12, 2006“. The New York Times. 12. febrúar 2006. Sótt 19. febrúar 2011.
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  33. Stroud, Jonathan (2013). The Screaming Staircase.
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  42. 42,0 42,1 42,2 42,3 "Jonathan Stroud Awards". Science Fiction Awards Database. Locus Science Fiction Foundation. Retrieved 17 July 2021.
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