Erotika lesbian
Le Sommeil (Tidur) karya Gustave Courbet (1866).
Erotika lesbian adalah penggambaran seni rupa lesbianisme , yang merupakan ekspresi perempuan seks perempuan (PSP). Lesbianisme menjadi tema dalam seni rupa erotis sejak setidaknya zaman Romawi kuno, dan kebanyakan karya yang dipandang menggambarkan lesbianisme (seperti halnya seksualitas secara umum) bersifat erotis .
Selama sebagian besar sejarah perfilman dan televisi, lesbianisme dianggap tabu . Sejak 1960an, karya tersebut meningkat menjadi sebuah genre tersendiri.
Bacaan tambahan
Bonnet, Marie-Jo (2000). Les Deux Amies: Essai sur le couple de femmes dans l'art . Paris, France: Blanche. ISBN 978-2911621949 .
Bunch, Charlotte (1982). "Lesbianism and erotica in pornographic America". Dalam Lederer, Laura. Take back the night: women on pornography . Toronto London: Bantam. ISBN 9780553149074 .
Kitzinger, Jenny; Kitzinger, Celia (1993). "" Doing it": Representations of lesbian sex". Dalam Griffin, Gabriel. Outwrite: Lesbianism and popular culture . London: Pluto Press. ISBN 9780745306889 .
Rodgerson, Gillian (1993). "Lesbian erotic explorations". Dalam Segal, Lynne ; McIntosh, Mary. Sex exposed: Sexuality and the pornography debate . New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press. hlm. 275 –279. ISBN 9780813519388 .
Russo, Anne; Torres, Lourdes (2001). "Lesbian porn stories: Rebellion and/or resistance?". Dalam Russo, Anne. Taking back our lives: A call to action for the feminist movement . New York: Routledge. hlm. 101–118. ISBN 9780415927116 .
Sheldon, Caroline (1984). "Lesbians and film: Some thoughts". Dalam Dyer, Richard . Gays and Film . New York: Zoetrope. hlm. 5–26. ISBN 9780918432582 .
Reprinted in: Henderson, Lisa (1992). "Lesbian pornography: Cultural transgression and sexual demystification". Dalam Munt, Sally R. New lesbian criticism: literary and cultural readings . New York London: Harvester Wheatsheaf. hlm. 173–191. ISBN 9780745011677 .
Reprinted in: Henderson, Lisa (1999). "Lesbian pornography: Cultural transgression and sexual demystification". Dalam Gross, Larry P.; Woods, James D. The Columbia reader on lesbians and gay men in media, society, and politics . New York: Columbia University Press. hlm. 506–516. ISBN 9780231104470 .
Jenefsky, Cindy; Helene Miller, Diane (July–August 1998). "Phallic intrusion: Girl–girl sex in Penthouse ". Women's Studies International Forum . 21 (4): 375–385. doi :10.1016/S0277-5395(98)00042-9 .
McDowell, Kelly (September 2001). "The politics of lesbian pornography: Towards a chaotic proliferation of female sexual imagery" . Xchanges . 1 (1).
Morrison, Todd G; Tallack, Dani (2005). "Lesbian and bisexual women's interpretations of lesbian and ersatz lesbian pornography". Sexuality & Culture . 9 (2): 3–30. doi :10.1007/s12119-005-1005-x .
Packard, Tamara; Schraibman, Melissa (1993). "Lesbian pornography: Escaping the bonds of sexual stereotypes and strengthening our ties to one another" . UCLA Women's Law Journal . 4 (2): 299–328.
Penelope, Julia ; Hoagland, Sarah Lucia (1980). "Lesbianism, sexuality and power: the patriarchy, violence and pornography" . Sinister Wisdom . 15 : 76–91. OCLC 70961358 .
Smyth, Cherry (Spring 1990). "The pleasure threshold: Looking at lesbian pornography on film". Feminist Review . 34 (34): 152–159. doi :10.2307/1395314 . JSTOR 1395314 .
Swedberg, Deborah (Summer 1989). "What do we see when we see woman/woman sex in pornographic movies?". NWSA Journal . 1 (4): 602–616. JSTOR 4315957 .
Pranala luar
Erotic and Pornographic Art: Lesbian by Tasmin Wilton, glbtq , 2002.
Pornographic Film and Video: Lesbian by Teresa Theophano, glbtq , 2002.
"Kira Cochrane wishes Keira and Scarlett would stop it" by Kira Cochrane, New Statesman , February 27, 2006
It's February; Pucker Up, TV Actresses by Virginia Heffernan, New York Times , February 10, 2005. (requires login)
"Boogie Dykes: How two San Francisco independent filmmakers are changing the world of mainstream porn" by Michelle Tea , San Francisco Bay Guardian , January 31, 2001.
"Celebrating Lesbian Sexuality: An Interview with Inoue Meimy, Editor of Japanese Lesbian Erotic Lifestyle Magazine Carmilla " interview by Katsuhiko Suganuma and James Welker, Intersections: Gender, History and Culture in the Asian Context 12, January 2006.