Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky
Sexo mascule
Nascentia 1928-12-07 (East Oak Lane, Philadelphia)
Ethnicitate Ashkenazi
Citatania Statos Unite de America
Educate in Harvard University, Central High School[*], Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Oak Lane Day School[*], University of Pennsylvania[*], University of Pennsylvania[*]
Occupation philosopho[*], linguista, political writer[*], professor universitari[*], psychologo[*], anthropologo[*], human rights activist[*], educator[*], media critic[*], scriptor, opinion journalist[*], computer scientist[*], historico[*], philologo[*]
Obras notabile Syntactic Structures[*], World Orders Old and New[*], Aspects of the Theory of Syntax[*], Manufacturing Consent[*], The Chomsky Reader[*], Class Warfare[*], Necessary Illusions: Thought Control in Democratic Societies[*], Ilusionistas[*], Deterring Democracy[*], Making the Future[*], Conditions on Transformations[*], Middle East Illusions[*], Knowledge of Language[*], Cartesian Linguistics[*], The Sound Pattern of English[*], 9-11[*], Interventions[*], Imperial Ambitions[*], Occupy[*], Objectivity and Liberal Scholarship[*], The Prosperous Few and the Restless Many[*], Gaza in Crisis[*], Current Issues in Linguistic Theory[*], American Power and the New Mandarins[*], Propaganda and the Public Mind[*], The Fateful Triangle[*], Understanding Power: The Indispensable Chomsky[*], Hegemony or Survival: America’s Quest for Global Dominance[*], Lectures on Government and Binding[*], The Political Economy of Human Rights[*], Profit over People: Neoliberalism and Global Order[*], Failed States[*], Counter-Revolutionary Violence: Bloodbaths in Fact & Propaganda[*], Why Only Us: Language and Evolution[*], What Kind of Creatures Are We?[*], Rogue States: The Rule of Force in World Affairs[*], Chomsky hierarchy[*]
Religion agnosticismo
Conjuge Carol Chomsky[*], Valeria Wasserman Chomsky[*]
Infantes Aviva Chomsky[*]
Parentes patre William Chomsky[*]
Premios Orwell Award[*], Guggenheim Fellowship[*], Benjamin Franklin Medal[*], Helmholtz Medal[*], Thomas Merton Award[*], Sretenje Order[*], James Joyce Awards[*], Erich Fromm Prize[*], William James Fellow Award[*], Albertus-Magnus professorate[*], Kyoto Prize in Basic Sciences[*], APA Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions to Psychology[*], honorary doctor of the University of St Andrews[*], honorary doctorate from Columbia University[*], honorary doctor of Harvard University[*], honorary doctorate from the University of Cambridge[*], honorary doctor of the University of Uppsala[*], Honorary doctor of the University of Bologna[*], honorary doctorate of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel[*], honorary doctor of the University of Athens[*], Honorary doctorate from University of Toronto[*], CSS Fellow[*], Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada[*], Fellow of the Linguistic Society of America[*], Honorary Doctorate of University of Buenos Aires[*], honorary doctorate from the McGill University[*], honorary doctor of the Peking University[*], BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award[*], Honorary Doctorate from the National Autonomous University of Mexico[*], honorary doctor of Loyola University Chicago[*], honorary doctorate of the Autonomous University of Madrid[*], honorary doctor of the University of Chile[*], Associate Member of the Tunisian Academy of Sciences[*], honorary doctor of the University of Calcutta[*], Honorary doctorate from university of Florence[*], honorary doctor of Amherst College[*], Albertus-Magnus professorate[*], Carl von Ossietzky Prize[*], Seán MacBride Peace Prize[*], US Peace Prize[*], Sydney Peace Prize[*], Honorary Fellow of the British Psychological Society[*]
Lingua anglese, anglese american, Lingua hebree
ISNI 0000000121430999
VIAF 89803084
IMDB nm0159008
Commons Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky (7 de decembre 1928 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) es un recercator american de linguistica. Ille es le inventor del grammatica transformational-generative que ha revolutionate le studio scientific de linguas depois le annos 1950. Ille es equalmente un dissidente politic (de tendentia socialista libertari) ben cognite in le societate statounitese.


Malgrado su grande contribution al scientia del seculo XX, fora del ambito academic ille es plus cognoscite per su activismo politic e su criticas al politica externe del Statos Unite e de altere paises, como Israel. Chomsky, que desvincula su activitate politic de su activitate scientific, considera se un sympathisante del anarcho-syndicalismo. Considerate per le New York Times como "le plus importante del pensatores contemporanee", ille es considerate un figura multe influinte del sinistra statounitense e es specialmente admirate in Europa, ubi su conferentias, articulos es essayos politic es imprimite constantemente.

In 1957, Chomsky revolutionava le linguistica theoric con le publication del opera Structuras syntactic, basate in su thesis doctoral (Structura logic del theoria linguistic), que jam non esserea publicate usque 1975. Le effecto que produceva super le theorias linguistic e psychologic del momento era demoledor, jam que attaccava le presupostos central tanto del structuralismo como del psychologia conductiste. Usque tunc, credeva se que la acquisition del linguage, como qualcunque destreza human, produceva se per le apprentissage e le association. Nonobstante, Chomsky postulava le existentia de un dispositivo cerebral innate (le "organo del linguage"), que permitte apprender e utilizar le linguage de forma quasi instinctive.

Ille denominava grammatica generative al conjuncto de regulas innate que permitte traducir combinationes de ideas a combinationes de parolas. Ille discoperiva -o melior, fundamentava, proque jam habeva intuitiones anterior in iste sentido- que le grammatica es un systema combinatori discrete que permitte construir infinite phrases a partir de un numero finite de elementos mediante regulas diverse que pote formalizar se. Le nove theoria considerava que le expressiones (sequentias de parolas) ha un syntaxe que pote esser characterisate (globalmente) per un grammatica formal; in particular, un grammatica extendite per normas de transformation. Se les suponerea al infantes un cognoscentia innate del grammatica elemental commun a tote le linguas human (lo que supone que tote lingua existente es un classe de restriction). On sustene que le modelization del cognoscentia del lingua trans un grammatica formal explica le "productivitate" del lingua: con un joco reduscite de regulas grammatical e un conjuncto finite de terminos, le humanos pote producer un numero infinite de phrases, includente phrases que necuno ha dicte ante.

Ideas notabile

Generative grammar, universal grammar, transformational grammar, government and binding, X-bar theory, Chomsky hierarchy, context-free grammar, principles and parameters, Minimalist program, language acquisition device, poverty of the stimulus, Chomsky–Schützenberger theorem, Chomsky Normal Form, propaganda model[1]



Dwight Macdonald,[2] Pāṇini, Bertrand Russell,[3] Ludwig Wittgenstein, John Dewey, Mikhail Bakunin, Karl Marx, Wilhelm von Humboldt, Adam Smith, Zellig Harris, Rudolf Rocker, Immanuel Kant, René Descartes, George Orwell, C. West Churchman, Alan Turing, W. V. O. Quine


Niall McLaren, Colin McGinn, Edward Said, Christopher Hitchens, Steven Pinker, Peter Ludlow, Tanya Reinhart, Morris Halle, Gilbert Harman, Jerry Fodor, Howard Lasnik, Robert Fisk, Neil Smith, Ray Jackendoff, Norbert Hornstein, Jean Bricmont, Marc Hauser, Norman Finkelstein, Robert Lees, Hugo Chavez, Mark Baker, Julian Boyd, Ray C. Dougherty, Derek Bickerton, Amy Goodman, Michael Albert



  • 1955Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory (es su tesis doctoral, inédita hasta 1975).
  • 1957Syntactic Structures (Estructuras sintácticas, Buenos Aires, Siglo XXI, 1999)
  • 1965Aspects of the Theory of Syntax (Aspectos de la teoría de la sintaxis, Barcelona, Gedisa, 1999)
  • 1965Cartesian Linguistics (Lingüística cartesiana, Madrid, Gredos, 1972)
  • 1968Language and Mind (El lenguaje y el entendimiento, Barcelona, Seix-Barral, 1977).
  • 1968Sound Pattern of English (con Morris Halle).
  • 1970Current Issues in Linguistic Theory
  • 1972Studies in Semantics in Generative Grammar
  • 1975Reflections on Language (Reflexiones sobre el lenguaje, Barcelona, Ariel, 1979)
  • 1977Langue, linguistique, politique: dialogues avec Mitsou Ronat (Conversaciones con Noam Chomsky, Barcelona, Gedisa, 1999). Presentación ordenada temática y cronológicamente de las ideas científicas y políticas de Chomsky.
  • 1977Essays on Form and Interpretation (Ensayos sobre forma e interpretación, Madrid, Cátedra, 1982)
  • 1980Rules and Representations (Reglas y representaciones, México, FCE, 1983)
  • 1981Lectures on Government and Binding: The Pisa Lectures.
  • 1984Modular Approaches to the Study of Mind
  • 1986Barriers (Barreras, Barcelona, Paidós, 1990).
  • 1986 - Knowledge of Language: Its Nature, Origin, and Use. (El conocimiento del lenguaje, su naturaleza, origen y uso, Madrid, Alianza, 1989)
  • 1995The Minimalist Program (El programa minimalista, Madrid, Alianza, 1999)


  • 1969 - American Power and the New Mandarins (New York, Vintage Books-Random House. Segunda edición revisada: New York, New Press, 2002)
  • 1970 - El Gobierno en el Futuro.
  • 1984 - La segunda guerra fría (Barcelona, Crítica, 1984)
  • 1988 - La quinta libertad (Barcelona, Crítica, 1988)
  • 1987 - On Power and Ideology. The Managua Lectures
  • 1990 - Los guardianes de la libertad (Barcelona, Crítica, 1990, 1995)
  • 1992 - La conquista continúa: 500 años de genocidio imperialista ((C) Libertarias/Prodbufi, S.A. C. Lérida, 80-82 28020 Madrid 1992 / (C) Terramar Ediciones. Plaza Italia 187. 1900 La Plata, Argentina. Nov. 2007)
  • 1992 - El miedo a la democracia (Barcelona, Crítica, 1992, 1997, 2001)
  • 1995 - Cómo nos venden la moto (Noam Chomsky e Ignacio Ramonet, Barcelona, Icaria, 1995)
  • 1996 - Cómo se reparte la tarta. Políticas USA al final del milenio (Barcelona, Icaria, 1996)
  • 1997 - La Aldea Global (Noam Chomsky y Heinz Dieterich, Nafarroa, Txalaparta, 1997)
  • 1997 - Lucha de clases (Barcelona, Crítica, 1997)
  • 1997 - El nuevo Orden mundial (y el viejo) (Barcelona, Crítica, 1997, 2002)
  • 2000 - Actos de agresión (Barcelona, Crítica, 2000)
  • 2000 - Los guardianes de la libertad (Noam Chomsky; Edward S. Herman, Barcelona, Crítica, 2000)
  • 2000 - El beneficio es lo que cuenta (Barcelona, Crítica, 2000)
  • 2001 - Perspectivas sobre el poder (Barcelona, El Roure Ciencia, 2001)
  • 2001 - La (Des)Educación (Barcelona, Crítica, 2001)
  • 2002 - 11/09/2001 (Barcelona, RBA, 2002) 142p.
  • 2002 - La Propaganda y la opinión pública (Barcelona, Crítica, 2002)
  • 2003 - El triángulo fatal (Madrid, Editorial Popular, 2003)
  • 2003 - Lucha de clases (Barcelona, Editorial Crítica, 2003)
  • 2003 - La cultura del terrorismo (Madrid, Editorial Popular, 2003)
  • 2004 - Ilusiones de Oriente Medio (Madrid, Editorial Popular, 2004)
  • 2004 - Piratas y emperadores (Madrid, Ediciones B, 2004)
  • 2005 - Hegemonía o supervivencia. La estrategia imperialista de EEUU (Barcelona, Ediciones B, 2005)
  • 2006 - La naturaleza humana: justicia versus poder, debate con Michel Foucault (Buenos Aires y Madrid, Katz Barpal Editores, 2006, ISBN 84-935187-2-7)
  • 2007 - Estados fallidos. El abuso de poder y el ataque a la democracia (Barcelona, Ediciones B, 2007)
  • 2008 - Sobre el anarquismo (Editorial Laetoli, 2008)
  • 2008 - Líbano, desde dentro (Barcelona, Editorial Hacer, 2008)
  • 2010 - Esperanzas y realidades (Barcelona, Tendencias, 2010)
  • 2011 - Gaza en crisis. Reflexiones sobre la guerra de Israel contra los palestinos (con Ilan Pappé) (Madrid, Taurus, 2011)

Articulos in linea


  1. Kanan Makiya, Fouad Moughrabi, Adel Safty, Rex Brynen, "Letters to the Editor" in Journal of Palestine Studies, Journal of Palestine Studies via JSTOR (Vol. 23, No. 4, Summer, 1994, pp. 196–200), accessed 2007-12-04. Relevant quotation: "On page 146 of my book, I clearly adopt the propaganda model developed by Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman..."
  2. Patrono:Cite video
  3. Barsky, Robert F.. Chomsky and Bertrand Russell. Noam Chomsky: A Life of Dissent. Recuperate le 29 October 2011.