Scientist , Overton Brown , más néven Hopeton Brown (Kingston , 1960 –) jamaicai dub zenész.
Scientist-et eleinte King Tubby (Osbourne Ruddock) pártfogolta, aki a dub zene egyik úttörő személyisége volt. Az 1970-es évek végén elhagyta King Tubby stúdióját és a Channel One Studio fő hangmérnöke lett.
Introducing Scientist: The Best Dub Album in the World (1980 )
Allied Dub Selection (1980 ) – közreműködő: Papa Tad's
Heavyweight Dub Champion (1980 )
Big Showdown at King Tubby's (1980 ) – közreműködő: Prince Jammy
Scientist Meets the Space Invaders (1981 )
Scientist Rids the World of the Evil Curse of the Vampires (1981 )
Scientist Meets the Roots Radics (1981 )
Scientist in the Kingdom of Dub (1981 )
Scientific Dub (1981 )
Dub Landing Vol. 1 (1981 )
Jabby You & Michael Prophet Meets Scientist at the Dub Station (1981 )
First, Second and Third Generation (1981 ) – közreműködő: King Tubby és Prince Jammy
Dub War (1981 )
World at War (198?)
Dub Landing Vol. 2 (1982 ) – közreműködő: Prince Jammy
High Priest of Dub (1982 )
Dub Duel (1982 ) – közreműködő: Crucial Bunny
Scientist Encounters Pac-Man (1982 )
Seducer Dub Wise (1982 )
Scientist Wins the World Cup (1983 )
Dub Duel at King Tubby's (1983 ) – The Professor
Scientist & Jammy Strike Back (1983 ) – közreműködő: Prince Jammy
The People's Choice (1983 )
Crucial Cuts Vol. 1 (1984 )
Crucial Cuts Vol. 2 (1984 )
1999 Dub (1984 )
King of Dub (1987 )
International Heroes Dub (1989 )
Tribute to King Tubby (1990 )
Freedom Fighters Dub (1995 )
Dub in the Roots Tradition (1996 )
Repatriation Dub (1996 )
King Tubby Meets Scientist in a World of Dub (1996 ) – közreműködő: King Tubby
King Tubby's Meets Scientist at Dub Station (1996 ) – közreműködő: King Tubby
Dubbin With Horns (1995 )
Dub Science (1997 )
Dub Science, Dub For Daze, Volume 2 (1997 )
Scientist Meets the Crazy Mad Professor at Channel One Studio (1997 )
Respect Due (Joseph I Meets the Scientist in Tribute to Jackie Mittoo) (1999 )
Mach 1 Beyond Sound Barrier (1999 )
Scientist Dubs Culture Into a Parallel Universe (2000 )
All Hail the Dub Head (2001 )
Ras Portrait (2003 )
Pockets of Resistance (2003 )
Nightshade Meets Scientist (2005 ) - közreműködő: Wadi Gad
Dub From the Ghetto (2006 )
Dub 911 (2006)
Scientist Launches Dubstep Into Outer Space (2010)
Repatriation Dub (2014)
Scientist Meets Nightshade (2014)
The Dub Album They Didn't Want You To Hear (2015)
The Untouchable (2016)
Scientist Meets Hempress Sativa in Dub (2018)
Scientist Meets Ral Ston (2021)
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