Jason Slaughter

Jason Slaughter
IskoláiWaterlooi Egyetem
Aktív évek2019 – napjainkig
Feliratkozók száma1.15 millió
Összes megtekintés136 millió
100 000 feliratkozó
1 000 000 feliratkozó

Jason Slaughter (? –) kanadai–holland Youtuber, aki a Not Just Bikes nevű YouTube-csatornát üzemelteti.[1][2][3] A csatorna különböző urbanisztikai problémákat tár fel. Gyakori témája a hollandiai kerékpározás, valamint összehasonlítja Hollandia közlekedését, infrastruktúráját és környezetét az Egyesült Államokéval és Kanadáéval.[4][5][6][7][8]


Slaughter Kanada Ontario tartományában található London városában nőtt fel. Családjával azért költöztek a hollandiai Amszterdamba, mert szerintük a Kanadában és az Egyesült Államokban elterjedt autóközpontú külvárosi terjeszkedés megnehezíti a gyaloglást, a kerékpározást és a tömegközlekedés igénybevételét.[1]


  1. a b Pittis, Don. „From 'car-dependent hellscapes' to green cities, Canadians find new ways to fight climate change”, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 2022. november 21. (Hozzáférés: 2023. június 22.) „While written and delivered in a droll, contemptuous style, Slaughter's well-researched and well-produced videos, often in association with the U.S. nonprofit Strong Towns, provide an accessible lesson in what's not working in North American cities and, using his current home in the Netherlands as a counter-example, how North American cities need to change.” 
  2. Khan, Imad. „High Gas Prices Are Revving Up This Online Anti-Car Movement”, CNET, 2022. július 20. (Hozzáférés: 2023. június 22.) „A few years ago, Jason Slaughter began making YouTube videos to document his family's move from Toronto to Amsterdam. That's how the 45-year-old IT professional became an inadvertent hero of the growing online anti-car movement. Posting to his orange-themed channel, Slaughter focused on the differences between transportation in North America and the Netherlands, which he chose for its car-free lifestyle.” 
  3. Too Fast or Too Furious? More people are dying in traffic crashes. Is pandemic rage to blame? (2022. március 9.) „We’ve pretty extensively covered what’s wrong with American streets and American vehicles. Other countries do things very differently, and we’re talking now to someone who lives in one of those countries: Jason Slaughter. His YouTube channel Not Just Bikes is about planning and urban design. He lives in the Netherlands.” 
  4. Zandbergen, Rebecca. „Could you give up your car in London?”, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 2023. június 15. (Hozzáférés: 2023. június 22.) „"It's much easier to go car free in a place designed for walkability than one designed only for driving," said Jason Slaughter, a popular YouTuber who runs the channel Not Just Bikes.” 
  5. Azran, Azmin. „3 YouTube Channels for City Planning Nerds”, The Daily Star, 2022. február 10. (Hozzáférés: 2023. június 22.) „Not Just Bikes is a unique YouTube channel. It's not about cities per se, but more about Dutch cities, and what a person who grew up in Canada, and now lives in Amsterdam, feels about Dutch cities. Jason Slaughter, the host, gives the videos a personal tone, often talking about his family and their contrasting experiences living in London, Canada (or fake London, as he calls it) and Amsterdam.” 
  6. 7 Urbanism YouTube Channels you Need to Follow Immediately”, Columbus Underground, 2022. március 21. (Hozzáférés: 2022. április 22.) „Since 2019, Jason Slaughter has been documenting biking, walking, transportation and urbanism primarily as it relates to his experiences in his home country of Canada and his current home in Amsterdam, Netherlands.” 
  7. Not Just Bikes: Documenting advocacies”, BusinessMirror, 2023. február 24. (Hozzáférés: 2023. március 7.) „The narrator, Jason Slaughter, talks of growing up in Ontario, Canada, in what he calls Fake London with no small amount of snark. (He and his young family have relocated to the Netherlands, specifically Amsterdam.)” 
  8. Not Just Bikes but Humans”, BusinessMirror, 2023. március 3. (Hozzáférés: 2023. március 16.) „Speaking of loss, Jason Slaughter reminisces how his city used to be a beautiful place because people could walk from one place to another. Until places were bulldozed to give way to roads and highways, and with them structures like old churches, schools, houses and places of business employing hundreds of people.” 


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