1975–1979 között szülővárosában végezte középiskolai tanulmányait. 1984-ben elvégezte a kolozsváriBabeș–Bolyai Tudományegyetem matematika szakát. 1985-ben operátorelméletből szerzett a mai mesteri fokozatnak megfelelő képzést a bukaresti egyetemen. 1998-ban doktori címet szerzett a kolozsvári egyetemen matematikából.
1985–1987 között középiskolai tanár a székelyudvarhelyi tanítóképzőben. 1987–1990 között Marosvásárhelyen dolgozik az ICPE vállalatnál programozó matematikusként. 1990-től a marosvásárhelyi Petru Maior Egyetemen dolgozik, tanársegéd (1990), adjunktus (1996), egyetemi docens (2002).
Finta Béla, Elements of the Linear Analytical Geometry in the Space l2, Scientific Bulletin of the “Petru Maior” University of Târgu Mureş, Vol. 3 ( XX ), New Series, Published by Editura Universitatii “Petru Maior”, Târgu Mureş, Romania, 2007, ISSN1841-9267, pp. 89–94.
Finta Béla. The Gauss Method for Infinite Systems of Linear Equations II, International Conference INTER-ING 2, 15–16 November 2007, “Petru Maior” University of Târgu Mureş, Romania, Section: Information Technology, pp. VI–6–(1–5).
Finta Béla, Product of Binary Relations, International Conference European Integration between Tradition and Modernity, IETM2, 20–21 September 2007, “Petru Maior” University of Târgu Mureş, Romania, pp. 690–692.
Finta Béla, The SOR Method for Infinite Systems of Linear Equations II, Proceedings of ICNAAM 2006, Wiley-VCH, ISBN 3-527-40743-X, International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Hersonnisos, Crete, Greece, 15–19 September 2006, pp. 125–130.
Finta Béla, The SOR Method for Infinite Systems of Linear Equations III, Carpathian J. Math., 22 ( 2006 ), No. 1-2, pp. 49–55.
Finta Béla: A New Solved Question in Connection to a Problem of Pál Erdős (IV.), The 7th Junior Mathematical Congress, 25th June – 2nd July 2006, Târgu Mureş, Romania, Organizers: University of Miskolc, School Inspectorate of Mures County, Petru Maior University of Târgu Mureş, Sapientia University of Târgu Mureş, Romania, Partners: Ministry of Education and Research, Romanian Mathematical Scientific Society of Mures County.
Finta Béla: The SOR Method for Infinite Systems of Linear Equations, microCAD 2006, International Scientific Conference, 16–17 March 2006, University of Miskolc, Hungary, Section G: Mathematics and Computer Science, pag. 21–28, ISBN 963 661 700 7 O, ISBN 963 661 707 4.
Finta Béla, Geometrical Inequalities in Acute Triangle Involving the Medians II, Didactica Mathematica, Volume 25, no. 1, 2006, Romanian Mathematical Society, House of the book of science, Cluj- Napoca, ISSN1843-1054.
Finta Béla, The Gauss Method for Infinite Systems of Linear Equations, Scientific Bulletin of the “Petru Maior” University of Târgu Mureş, Vol. 2 ( XIX ), New Series, Published by Editura Universităţii “Petru Maior”, Târgu Mureş, Romania, 2006, ISSN1841-9267, pp. 127–130.