Devil Doll

Devil Doll

A Devil Doll olasz-szlovén rockegyüttes. Frontembere Mr. Doctor (Mario Ponciera). 1987-ben alakultak. A zenekar tagjai Velencéből, illetve Ljubljanából származnak. Zenéjük a gothic rock, komolyzene, és szláv népzene keveréke, párosítva Mr. Doctor sprachgesang ("beszélve éneklés") stílusával. Dalaik általában hosszú időtartamúak.[1][2]



  1. Jeff Wagner – Mean Deviation: Four Decades of Progressive Heavy Metal -2010 – Page 155 "Inspired by Mozart's Requiem Mass, according to Bachman, "Dies Irae" took characteristics of bands as disparate as Kansas, Celtic Frost, and Italian-Slovenian experimental theatrical rock act Devil Doll, and foreshadowed the operatic ..."
  2. David Kerekes Headpress: Journal of Sex, Religion, Death Issues 11-12 – Page 70 1996 "Fronted by the mysterious Mr Doctor, Devil Doll has its bases in Italy and Slovenia. Formed in 1987, they remain virtually unknown outside of a few hundred hardcore fans – a factor attributable ..."
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