
Életrajzi adatok
Születési névBrian Patrick Carroll
  • Buckethead
  • Death Cube K
Született1969. május 13.
Huntington Beach
IskoláiDamien High School
Műfajokthrash metal, funk, jazz, bluegrass, ambient, avant-garde
Aktív évek1988 óta
EgyüttesGuns N’ Roses, Primus, Praxis, Giant Robot, Deli Creeps, Science Faxtion, Cornbugs, El Stew, Arcana, Thanatopsis
HangszerElektromos gitár, Basszusgitár, Banjo
  • TDRS Music
  • Sony Music
  • Tzadik Records
  • Serjical Strike Records

Buckethead weboldala
A Wikimédia Commons tartalmaz Buckethead témájú médiaállományokat.

Buckethead (születési neve: Brian Patrick Carroll) (Huntington Beach, Kalifornia, 1969. május 13. –) amerikai gitáros és zeneszerző. Ismertetőjelei a fehér műanyag maszk és a KFC-vödör a fején.

Termékeny zeneszerző a 294 szólóalbumával, ezen kívül 44 albumon zenélt együtt más együttesekkel. A zenéje több különböző stílust foglal magába, mint például a thrash metal, funk, jazz, bluegrass, ambient és az avant-garde.

Az igazi Buckethead

Buckethead valójában Brian Carroll gitáros, akiről korábban (1989-ben) kép jelent meg a Guitar for the Practicing Musician című amerikai gitárújságban. A kép alatti rövid bemutató szerint Brian Caroll 20 éves (1989-ben), kaliforniai lakos. Zeneileg hatással voltak rá: Michael Jackson, Paul Gilbert, Louis Johnson, Joe Satriani, Shawn Lane, Jennifer Batten.

12 éves koromban kezdtem gitározni. Mindazonáltal nem vettem azt komolyan egészen a következő nyárig, amikor is Huntington Beachből Claremontba költöztem. Különböző tanárok keze alatt fejlődött tudásom, mint például Paul Gilbert, akinél több, mint egy évig tanultam.


Erősítők: Marshall JCM-800 és Mesa Boogie fejek Pedálok: Wah-Wah Rack - effektek: Rocktron Intellifex és Rockman Gitárok:

  • Gibson Les Paul 1959 - Erősen átszabott, fehér hardverrel és DiMarzio hangszedőkkel
  • Gibson Les Paul 1969 - Erősen átszabott, fehér hardverrel, Killswitch-csel és DiMarzio hangszedőkkel
  • Gibson SG
  • Gibson SST
  • Gibson Chet Atkins
  • Jackson Y2KV
  • Jackson doubleneck
  • ESP MII custom
  • Steinberger GS
  • Ibanez X Series Rocket Roller II
  • Ibanez(Purple) RG550
  • Takamine Acoustic.


Stúdió albumok
  1. 1992: Bucketheadland
  2. 1994: Giant Robot
  3. 1996: The Day of the Robot
  4. 1998: Colma
  5. 1999: Monsters and Robots
  6. 2001: Somewhere Over the Slaughterhouse
  7. 2002: Funnel Weaver
  8. 2002: Bermuda Triangle
  9. 2002: Electric Tears
  10. 2003: Bucketheadland 2
  11. 2004: Island of Lost Minds
  12. 2004: Population Override
  13. 2004: The Cuckoo Clocks of Hell
  14. 2005: Enter the Chicken
  15. 2005: Kaleidoscalp
  16. 2005: Inbred Mountain
  17. 2006: The Elephant Man's Alarm Clock
  18. 2006: Crime Slunk Scene
  19. 2007: Pepper's Ghost
  20. 2007: Decoding the Tomb of Bansheebot
  21. 2007: Cyborg Slunks
  22. 2008: Albino Slug
  23. 2009: Slaughterhouse on the Prairie
  24. 2009: A Real Diamond in the Rough
  25. 2009: Forensic Follies
  26. 2009: Needle in a Slunk Stack
  27. 2010: Shadows Between the Sky
  28. 2010: Spinal Clock
  29. 2010: Captain Eo's Voyage
  30. 2010: 3 Foot Clearance
  31. 2011: It's Alive
  32. 2011: Empty Space
  33. 2011: Underground Chamber
  34. 2011: Look Up There
  35. 2012: Electric Sea
  36. 2012: Balloon Cement
  37. 2012: The Shores of Molokai
  38. 2012: Racks
  39. 2012: March of the Slunks
  40. 2012: The Silent Picture Book
  41. 2013: Forgotten Library
  42. 2013: Pike 12
  43. 2013: Pike 13
  44. 2013: The Mark of Davis
  45. 2013: Pike 15
  46. 2013: The Boiling Pond
  47. 2013: The Spirit Winds
  48. 2013: Pike 18
  49. 2013: Teeter Slaughter
  50. 2013: Thaw
  51. 2013: Spiral Trackway
  52. 2013: Sphere Facade
  53. 2013: Telescape
  54. 2013: Slug Cartilage
  55. 2013: Pancake Heater
  56. 2013: Worms for the Garden
  57. 2013: Halls of Dimension
  58. 2013: Feathers
  59. 2013: Splatters
  60. 2013: Mannequin Cemetery
  61. 2013: Pearson's Square
  62. 2013: Rise of the Blue Lotus
  63. 2013: Pumpkin
  64. 2013: Thank You Ohlinger's
  65. 2013: The Pit
  66. 2013: Hollowed Out
  67. 2013: It Smells Like Frogs
  68. 2013: Twisterlend
  69. 2013: Pikes
  70. 2013: Coat of Charms
  71. 2013: Wishes
  72. 2014: Backwards Chimney
  73. 2014: Pike 43
  74. 2014: You Can't Triple Stamp a Double Stamp
  75. 2014: The Coats of Claude
  76. 2014: Rainy Days
  77. 2014: Roller Coaster Track Repair
  78. 2014: Hide in the Pickling Jar
  79. 2014: Monument Valley (album)
  80. 2014: Pitch Dark
  81. 2014: Pike 51
  82. 2014: Factory
  83. 2014: City of Ferris Wheels
  84. 2014: The Frankensteins Monsters Blinds
  85. 2014: The Miskatonic Scale
  86. 2014: Cycle
  87. 2014: Night Gallery
  88. 2014: Outpost
  89. 2014: Ydrapoej
  90. 2014: Footsteps
  91. 2014: Citacis
  92. 2014: Outlined for Citacis
  93. 2014: Grand Gallery
  94. 2014: Aquarium (Buckethead album)
  95. 2014: Hold Me Forever
  96. 2014: Leave the Light On
  97. 2014: Abandoned Slaughterhouse
  98. 2014: Assignment 033-03
  99. 2014: Pike 69
  100. 2014: Snow Slug
  101. 2014: Celery
  102. 2014: Closed Attractions
  103. 2014: Final Bend of the Labyrinth
  104. 2014: Infinity Hill
  105. 2014: Twilight Constrictor
  106. 2014: Pike 76
  107. 2014: Bumbyride Dreamlands
  108. 2014: Pike 78
  109. 2014: Geppetos Trunk
  110. 2014: Cutout Animatronic
  111. 2014: Carnival of Cartilage
  112. 2014: Calamity Cabin
  113. 2014: Dreamless Slumber
  114. 2014: Whirlpool (Buckethead album)
  115. 2014: Walk in Loset
  116. 2014: Our Selves
  117. 2014: Interstellar Slunk
  118. 2014: Red Pepper Restaurant
  119. 2014: The Time Travelers Dream
  120. 2014: Listen for the Whisper
  121. 2014: Pike 91
  122. 2014: The Splatterhorn
  123. 2014: Coaster Coat
  124. 2014: Magic Lantern
  125. 2014: Northern Lights
  126. 2014: Yarn
  127. 2014: Passageways
  128. 2014: Pilot (Buckethead album)
  129. 2014: Polar Trench
  130. 2014: The Mighty Microscope
  131. 2014: In the Hollow Hills
  132. 2015: Sideway Streets
  133. 2015: Squid Ink Lodge
  134. 2015: Project Little Man
  135. 2015: The Moltrail
  136. 2015: Forest of Bamboo
  137. 2015: Weird Glows Gleam
  138. 2015: Collect Itself
  139. 2015: The Left Panel
  140. 2015: Wall to Wall Cobwebs
  141. 2015: Night of the Snowmole
  142. 2015: Creaky Doors and Creaky Floors
  143. 2015: Herbie Theatre
  144. 2015: Glow in the Dark
  145. 2015: Marble Monsters
  146. 2015: Infinity of the Spheres
  147. 2015: Vacuum
  148. 2015: Elevator
  149. 2015: Solar Sailcraft
  150. 2015: Louzenger
  151. 2015: Shaded Ray
  152. 2015: The Other Side of the Dark
  153. 2015: Scroll of Vegetable
  154. 2015: Rotten Candy Cane
  155. 2015: Along the River Bank
  156. 2015: Tourist
  157. 2015: Paint to the Tile
  158. 2015: Tucked into Dreams
  159. 2015: Forever Lake
  160. 2015: Down in the Bayou Part Two
  161. 2015: Down in the Bayou Part One
  162. 2015: Chamber of Drawers
  163. 2015: Embroidery
  164. 2015: Digging Under the Basement
  165. 2015: Haunted Roller Coaster Chair
  166. 2015: Firebolt
  167. 2015: Hideous Phantasm
  168. 2015: Giant Claw
  169. 2015: Observation
  170. 2015: Hats and Glasses
  171. 2015: Last Call for the E.P. Ripley
  172. 2015: Nautical Nightmares
  173. 2015: Blank Bot
  174. 2015: Scream Sundae
  175. 2015: Kareem's Footprint
  176. 2015: Carrotcature
  177. 2015: Popcorn Shells
  178. 2015: Invisable Forest
  179. 2015: Chickencoopscope
  180. 2015: Heaven Is Your Home (For My Father, Thomas Manley Carroll)
  181. 2015: Fog Gardens
  182. 2015: Carnival Cutouts
  183. 2015: Whisper Track
  184. 2015: The Cellar Yawns
  185. 2015: Ancient Lens
  186. 2015: Herbie Climbs a Tree
  187. 2015: Upside Down Skyway
  188. 2015: Twisted Branches
  189. 2015: Half Circle Bridge
  190. 2015: Land of Miniatures
  191. 2015: Bats in the Lite Brite
  192. 2015: Four Forms
  193. 2015: Blue Tide
  194. 2015: Ghoul (Buckethead album)
  195. 2015: Orane Tree
  196. 2015: Region
  197. 2015: Shapeless
  198. 2015: Ognarader
  199. 2015: The Windowsill
  200. 2015: Washed Away
  201. 2015: A Ghost Took My Homework
  202. 2015: Crest of the Hill
  203. 2015: The Blob
  204. 2015: Last House on Slunk Street
  205. 2015: Quilted
  206. 2015: 31 Days Til Halloween: Visitor from the Mirror
  207. 2015: 30 Days Til Halloween: Swollen Glasses
  208. 2015: 29 Days Til Halloween: Blurmwood
  209. 2015: 28 Days Til Halloween: The Insides of the Outsides
  210. 2015: 27 Days Til Halloween: Cavern Guide
  211. 2015: 26 Days Til Halloween: Bogwitch
  212. 2015: 25 Days Til Halloween: Window Fragment
  213. 2015: 24 Days Til Halloween: Screaming Scalp
  214. 2015: 23 Days Til Halloween: Wax
  215. 2015: 22 Days Til Halloween: I Got This Costume from the Sears Catalog
  216. 2015: 21 Days Til Halloween: Cement Decay
  217. 2015: 20 Days Til Halloween: Forgotten Experiment
  218. 2015: 19 Days Til Halloween: Light in Window
  219. 2015: 18 Days Til Halloween: Blue Squared
  220. 2015: 17 Days Til Halloween: 1079
  221. 2015: 16 Days Til Halloween: Cellar
  222. 2015: 15 Days Til Halloween: Grotesques
  223. 2015: 14 Days Til Halloween: Voice from the Dead Forest
  224. 2015: 13 Days Til Halloween: Maple Syrup
  225. 2015: 12 Days Til Halloween: Face Sling Shot
  226. 2015: 11 Days Til Halloween: Reflection
  227. 2015: 10 Days Til Halloween: Residue
  228. 2015: 9 Days Til Halloween: Eye on Spiral
  229. 2015: 8 Days Til Halloween: Flare Up
  230. 2015: 7 Days Til Halloween: Cavernous
  231. 2015: 6 Days Til Halloween: Underlair
  232. 2015: 5 Days Til Halloween: Scrapbook Front
  233. 2015: 4 Days Til Halloween: Silent Photo
  234. 2015: 3 Days Til Halloween: Crow Hedge
  235. 2015: 2 Days Til Halloween: Cold Frost
  236. 2015: Happy Halloween: Silver Shamrock
  237. 2015: 365 Days Til Halloween: Smash
  238. 2015: The Wishing Brook
  239. 2015: Rooms of Illusions
  240. 2015: Sunken Parlor
  241. 2015: Screen Door
  242. 2015: Hornet (Buckethead album)
  243. 2015: Crumple
  244. 2015: Trace Candle
  245. 2015: Teflecter
  246. 2015: Wheels of Ferris
  247. 2015: Pike Doors
  248. 2015: Old Toys
  249. 2015: Rain Drops on Christmas
  250. 2016: Mirror Realms
  251. 2016: Cove Cloud
  252. 2016: Out of the Attic
  253. 2016: Dragging the Fence
  254. 2016: Buildor
  255. 2016: Florrmat
  256. 2016: Happy Birthday MJ 23
  257. 2016: Arcade of the Deserted
  258. 2016: The Creaking Stars
  259. 2016: Cabs
  260. 2016: Rooftop
  261. 2016: Drift (Buckethead album)
  262. 2016: Lightboard
  263. 2016: 22222222
  264. 2016: Coupon
  265. 2016: Oneiric Pool
  266. 2016: Castle on Slunk Hill
  267. 2016: The Five Blocks
  268. 2016: Attic Garden
  269. 2016: The Mermaid Stairwell
  270. 2016: Chart
  271. 2016: Sparks in the Dark
  272. 2016: Hamdens Hollow
  273. 2016: Santa's Toy Workshop
  274. 2017: Out Orbit
  275. 2017: Space Viking
  276. 2017: Nettle
  277. 2017: Rivers in the Seas
  278. 2017: Adrift in Sleepwakefulness
  279. 2017: The Moss Lands
  280. 2017: 250 (Buckethead album)
  281. 2017: Waterfall Cove
  282. 2017: Bozo in the Labyrinth
  283. 2017: Coop Erstown
  284. 2017: Woven Twigs
  285. 2017: Abominable Snow Scalp
  286. 2017: Meteor Firefly Net
  287. 2017: Blank Slate
  288. 2017: Echo (Buckethead album)
  289. 2017: Undersea Dead City
  290. 2017: Ferry to the Island of Lost Minds
  291. 2017: Portal to the Red Waterfall
  292. 2017: Nib Y Nool
  293. 2017: Glacier
  294. 2017: Poseidon
  295. 2017: Ride Operator Q Bozo
  296. 2017: Far
  297. 2017: Thoracic Spine Collapser
  298. 2017: Sonar Rainbow
  299. 2017: Decaying Parchment
  300. 2017: A3 (Buckethead album)
  301. 2017: The Squaring of the Circle
  302. 2017: Coniunctio
  303. 2017: Guillotine Furnace
  304. 2018: Fourneau Cosmique
  305. 2018: Dreamthread
  306. 2020: Healing Inside Outside Every Side
  307. 2020: Division Is the Devil's Playground
  308. 2020: Unexpected Journeys
  309. 2020: Skeleton Keys
  310. 2020: In Dreamland
  311. 2020: The Sea Remembers Its Own
  312. 2020: Toys R Us Tantrums
  313. 2020: Once Upon a Distant Plane
  314. 2020: Through the Looking Garden
  315. 2020: The Stone of Folly
  316. 2021: Nautical Twilight
  317. 2021: Electrum
  318. 2021: Liminal Monorail
  319. 2021: Pike 289
  320. 2021: Pike 290
  321. 2021: Fogray
  322. 2021: Galaxies
  323. 2021: Oven Mitts
  324. 2021: Warp Threads
  325. 2021: Pike 295
  326. 2021: Ghouls of the Graves
  327. 2021: Fork
  328. 2021: Robes of Citrine
  329. 2021: Thought Pond
  330. 2021: Quarry
  331. 2021: The Chariot of Saturn
  332. 2021: Cyborgs Robots & More
  333. 2022: Castle of Franken Berry
  334. 2022: Rainbow Tower
  335. 2022: Two Story Hourglass
  336. 2022: The Toy Cupboard
Speciális kiadások


Jelenleg is működőek:

  • Praxis 1992–
  • Deli Creeps 1991–
  • Shin Terai 2001–
  • Thanatopsis 2001–
  • Enter the Chicken 2005–
  • Science Faxtion 2007–
  • Frankenstein Brothers 2008–


  • Zillatron (1993)
  • Cornbugs (1995–2007)
  • Giant Robot (1996)
  • I Need 5 Minutes Alone|Pieces (1997)
  • Cobra Strike (1999–2000)
  • El Stew (1999–2003)
  • Colonel Claypool's Bucket of Bernie Brains (2002–2004)
  • Gorgone (2005)
  • Guns N’ Roses (2000–2004)


  • Viggo Mortensen (1999, 2003–2005, 2008–)
  • Travis Dickerson (2004–)
  • Bryan Mantia (2007–)
  • Jonas Hellborg és Michael Shrieve (1995)


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PostScript Класс языка мультипарадигменный, стековый, процедурный Появился в 1982 Автор Джон Уорнок, Чарльз Гешке Разработчик Adobe Расширение файлов .ps Выпуск PostScript 3 (1997) Система типов строгая, динамическая Основные реализации Adobe PostScript, TrueImage, Ghostscript, InterPress Испытал влияние Forth �...

Overview of water pollution in the United States of America This article's lead section contains information that is not included elsewhere in the article. If the information is appropriate for the lead of the article, this information should also be included in the body of the article. (June 2024) (Learn how and when to remove this message) Topsoil runoff from farm, central Iowa (2011) Water pollution in the United States is a growing problem that became critical in the 19th century with the...


名古屋港イタリア村 名古屋港イタリア村入口施設情報前身 日本通運倉庫跡地事業主体 名古屋港イタリア村株式会社面積 31,000m2開園 2005年(平成17年)4月2日閉園 2008年(平成20年)5月7日所在地 〒455-0033愛知県名古屋市港区港町1-15位置 北緯35度05分24.01秒 東経136度53分04.24秒 / 北緯35.0900028度 東経136.8845111度 / 35.0900028; 136.8845111テンプレートを表示 名古屋港...