Welcome to the Hebrew Wikipedia. For information and help please consult our embassy. If you only wish to change your username, please follow this link. Enjoy your visit.
Willkommen in der hebräischsprachigen Wikipedia. Wenn Sie Information oder Hilfe brauchen, sind Sie eingeladen, sich bei unserer Botschaft beraten zu lassen.
Bienvenue sur Wikipédia en hébreu. Pour se renseigner et pour obtenir de l'aide, veuillez vous vous adresser à notre ambassade. Pour demander le renommage de votre compte utilisateur, veuillez vous vous adresser ici. Amusez vous bien votre visite chez nous.
Bienvenidos a la Wikipedia Hebrea. Para obtener cualquier información o ayuda por favor no dude en consultar nuestra embajada. Disfrute su visita.
Добро пожаловать в Википедию на иврите. Для получения справок обратитесь, пожалуйста, в наше посольство. Желаем вам приятно провести время.
Bonvenon al la hebrea Vikipedio. Por ricevi informojn kaj helpon, bonvolu konsulti nian ambasadejon. Amuzu vian viziton ĉe ni.
مرحبـًا بكم في ويكيبديا العبرية. للاستفسار والمساعدة رجاء التوجه إلى سفارتنا. نتمنى أن تتمتعوا بزيارتكم.
About your request for a global account, my problem is that I forgot my password to the enwiki and as I did not give my email adress there, I could not get a new one.
I have passwords for the hewiki and the rowiki, as Arie Inbar, and I can get a new password for my frwiki account. How do I go about unifing all these acounts to one global account?
Now I have a global account just as you suggested, but The problem is I'm not sure whether the other accounts with the same user name beside the one on he.wikipedia.org are mine, i don't recall creating them at all and I cant unite them. --יוסי א. - שיחה15:08, 15 בינואר 2015 (IST)תגובה
Hi Yossiea, thanks for letting me know. Since your registered the global account, the three Yossiea accounts which are not yours will be automatically usurped during SUL finalization till April 2015. They (esp. the enwiki account) will be notified about that per wikimail and on their respective talk pages and asked for changing their username so that you will get a completed global account by then. That does not require your intervention. Cheers, DerHexer - שיחה15:14, 15 בינואר 2015 (IST)תגובה