1. "Optimal Linear Taxation with Partial Information," 1980. Economics Letters, 15, 257-263.
2. “Non-Linear Price Strategies in a Contestable Market,” 1984. Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 32, No. 2, 246-264.
3. “Wage Bargaining, Labor Turnover, and the Business Cycle,” 1985 with G. Solon. Journal of Labor, Vol. 3, No. 4, 421-433.
4. “An Example of Price Formation in a Bilateral Situation,” 1986. Econometrica, Vol. 54, No. 2, 312-322.
5. “Search in a Known Pattern,” 1986 with A. Wigderson. Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 94, No.1, 225-230.
6. “Sequential Bargaining under Asymmetric Information,” 1986 with S. Grossman. Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 39, No.1, 97-119.
7. “Perfect Sequential Equilibrium,” 1986 with S. Grossman. Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 39, No.1, 120-154.
8.a “Strategic Delay in Bargaining,” 1987 with A. Admati. Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 54, 345-363.
8.b “Strategic Delay in Bargaining,” 1992 with A. Admati. In Linhart Radner and Satterthwaite (eds.)Bargaining with Incomplete Info, Academic Press, 321-40.
9. “Joint Project without Commitment,” 1991 with A. Admati. Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 58, 259-276.
10. “Non Cooperative Bargaining Without Procedures,” 1993 with P. Reny. Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 59 No. 1, 50-77.
11. “Open Vs. Closed Door Negotiation,” 1994 with L. Samuelson. The RAND Journal of Economics, Vol. 25, No.2, 348-359.
12.a “A Noncooperative View of Coalition Formation and the Core,” 1994 with P. Reny. Econometrica, Vol. 62, No.4, 795-818.
12.b “A Noncooperative View of Coalition Formation and the Core,” 1997 with P. Reny. In E. Maskin (ed),Recent Developments in Game Theory.
13. “Virtual Implementation in Backward Induction,” 1996 with J. Glazer. Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 15, No.1, 27-32.
14. “A General Solution to King Solomon Dilemma,” 1999 with P. Reny. Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 26, No. 2, 279-285.
15. “The Absent-Minded Driver,” 1997 with R. J. Aumann, and S. Hart. Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 20, No. 1, 102-116.
16. “The Forgetful Passenger,” 1997 with R. J. Aumann, and S. Hart. Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 20, No. 1, 117-120.
17. “On the Failure of the Linkage Principle,” 1999 with P. Reny Econometrica, Vol. 67, No.4, 895-90.
18. “A Sealed Bid Auction that Matches the English Auction," 2000 with E. wolfstetter and S. Zamir. Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 33, No. 2, 265-273.
19. “Dynamic Consistency and Optimal Patent Allocation,” 2002 with D. Vincent. International Economic Review.
20. “An Efficient Auction,” 2002 with Phil Reny. Econometrica, Vol. 70, No. 3 – May, 2002, 1199-1212.
21. “An Ex-Post Efficient Ascending Auction,” 2005 with P. Reny. The Review of Economic Studies, 72, 567-592.
22. "Toward a Strategic Foundation for Rational Expectations Equilibrium," 2006 with P. Reny. Econometrica, Vol. 74, 1231-1269.
23. "Tournaments with Midterm Reviews" 2009 with A. Gershkov, Games and Economic Behavior, Vol.66, 162-190.
24. "Dynamic Contacts with Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection" 2012 with A. Gershkov, The Review of Economic Studies, Vol 79(1), 268-306.
25. "Implementing the Wisdom of the Crowds” 2014 with Ilan Kremer and Yishay Mansour, Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 122(5), 988-1012.
26. "Why Sex and Why in Pairs" 2016 with P. Reny and A. Robson, Economic Journal forthcoming.
27. "How to Count Citations if You Must" 2016 with Phil Reny, American Economic Review forthcoming.
28. "Evidence Games: Truth and Commitment" 2017 with Sergiu Hart and Ilan Kremer, American Economic Review 107, 3, 690-713
29. "An Evolutionary Theory of Monogamy" 2016 with Marco Francesconi and Christian Ghiglino, Journal of Economic Theory, vol. 166, issue C, 605-628.
30. "The Wisdom of the Crowd when Acquiring Information is Costly" 2020 with Ilan Kremer and Jacob Glazer, Management Science, forthcoming.