Os fakaleiti (tamén chamados leiti, fakafefine ou lady) son homes tonganos que se comportan de xeito efeminado ao contrario co resto dos homes do arquipélago, que tenden a comportarse dunha maneira moi masculina.
O termo fakaleiti (cun longo i no final) está formado polo prefixo faka- (na maneira de) e o empréstito anglosaxón lady (dama). Os fakaleiti prefiren autonominarse como leiti ou ladies. Os fakaleiti ou fakafefine aseméllanse aos samoanos fa'afafine e os hawaianos mahu.
Véxase tamén
- Besnier, Niko. 1994. Polynesian Gender Liminality Through Time and Space. In Third Sex, Third Gender: Beyond Sexual Dimorphism in Culture and History. Gilbert Herdt, ed. pp. 285–328. Nova York: Zone.
- Besnier, Niko. 1997. Sluts and Superwomen: The Politics of Gender Liminality in Urban Tonga. Ethnos 62:5-31.
- Besnier, Niko. 2002. Transgenderism, Locality, and the Miss Galaxy Beauty Pageant in Tonga. American Ethnologist 29:534-566.
- Besnier, Niko. 2004. The Social Production of Abjection: Desire and Silencing Among Transgender Tongans. Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale 12:301-323.
- James, Kerry E. 1994. Effeminate Males and Changes in the Construction of Gender in Tonga. Pacific Studies 17(2):39-69.
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