Friedrich Hayek

Infotaula de personaFriedrich Hayek

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Ainm sa teanga dhúchais(de) Friedrich August Hayek Cuir in eagar ar Wikidata
Breith8 Bealtaine 1899
Vín (an Ostair-Ungáir)
Bás23 Márta 1992
92 bliana d'aois
Freiburg im Breisgau, An Ghearmáin Cuir in eagar ar Wikidata
Áit adhlacthaNeustifter Friedhof (en) Aistrigh Cuir in eagar ar Wikidata
Uachtarán Mont Pelerin Society (en) Aistrigh
1947 – 1961 – Wilhelm Röpke → Cuir in eagar ar Wikidata
Faisnéis phearsanta
ReiligiúnAn Eaglais Mharóiníteach
Scoil a d'fhreastail sé/síOllscoil Vín - fealsúnacht, síceolaíocht, eacnamaíocht (1918–1923)
Ollscoil Vín - dlí
Ollscoil Vín - eolaíocht pholaitiúil Cuir in eagar ar Wikidata
Céim acadúilDoctor of Juridical Science (en) Aistrigh
Russian and Ukrainian PhD in Political Science (en) Aistrigh
Comhairleoir dochtúireachtaLudwig von Mises agus Friedrich von Wieser
Áit chónaitheFreiburg im Breisgau
Réimse oibreEacnamaíocht, fealsúnacht, fealsúnacht pholaitiúil, teoiric eacnamaíochta, liobrálachas, fealsúnacht shóisialta agus eolaíocht chognaíoch
Gairmeacnamaí, eolaí polaitiúil, staraí, fealsamh, múinteoir ollscoile Cuir in eagar ar Wikidata
FostóirOllscoil Salzburg
Ollscoil Chicago
Ollscoil Nua-Eabhrac
Ollscoil Freiburg
London School of Economics Cuir in eagar ar Wikidata
Ball de
Mac/iníon léinnMarjorie Grice-Hutchinson
TeangachaBéarla agus an Ghearmáinis
Gairm mhíleata
CoinbhleachtAn Chéad Chogadh Domhanda agus an Dara Cogadh Domhanda
Saothar suntasach
Mac léinn dochtúireachtaDavid D. Friedman, Marjorie Grice-Hutchinson, Abba P. Lerner agus Sho-Chieh Tsiang
Suíomh a chartlainne
CéileHelen Berta Maria von Fritsch
Helene Bitterlich Cuir in eagar ar Wikidata
PáisteLaurence Hayek
 ( Helen Berta Maria von Fritsch)
Christine von Hayek
 ( Helen Berta Maria von Fritsch) Cuir in eagar ar Wikidata
AthairAugust von Hayek
Duine muintearthaKarl Wittgenstein (deartháir máthar)
Leopoldine 'Poldy' Kalmus (aunt-in-law (en) Aistrigh) Cuir in eagar ar Wikidata
Gradam a fuarthas

IMDB: nm2613098 Find a Grave: 20874716 Cuir in eagar ar Wikidata

Eacnamaí agus fealsamh ab ea Friedrich August Hayek (8 Bealtaine 1899 - 23 Márta 1992), a rugadh san Ostair-Ungáir mar Friedrich August von Hayek agus is minic a dtugtar F.A. Hayek air. B'Ostarach é, ach ina dhiaidh sin d'iompaigh sé ina Bhriotanach, agus is fearr aithne air mar chosantóir an liobrálachais clasaicigh.

Sa bhliain 1974, bhain sé (agus Gunnar Myrdal), Duais Nobel san Eolaíocht Gheilleagrach amach, mar gheall ar a "obair cheannródaíoch i dteoiric an airgid agus luaineachtaí eacnamaíocha agus ... anailís threáiteach ar idirspleáchas na feiniméin eacnamaíocha, sóisialta agus institiúide".

Bhí Hayek ina eacnamaí mór le rá agus ina smaointeoir polaitiúil de chuid an fichiú haois. Meastar cuntas Hayek, ar an gcaoi a gcuireann athrú i bpraghasanna faisnéis in iúl, a chuireann ar chumas daoine aonair a gcuid pleananna a chomhordú, mar éacht tábhachtach san eacnamaíocht. Chuir sé chomh maith leis na réimsí a bhaineann le smaointeoireacht córais, dlí-eolaíocht, néareolaíocht agus stair na smaointe.


  • Birner, Jack (2001). "The mind-body problem and social evolution," CEEL Working Paper 1-02.
  • Birner, Jack, and Rudy van Zijp, eds. (1994). Hayek: Co-ordination and Evolution: His legacy in philosophy, politics, economics and the history of ideas
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  • Boettke, Peter J. (Winter 1995). "Hayek's the Road to Serfdom Revisited: Government Failure in the Argument against Socialism", Eastern Economic Journal Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 7–26 in JSTOR
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  • Caldwell, Bruce (2005). Hayek's Challenge: An Intellectual Biography of F.A. Hayek.
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  • Cohen, Avi J. (2003). "The Hayek/Knight Capital Controversy: the Irrelevance of Roundaboutness, or Purging Processes in Time?" History of Political Economy 35(3): 469–490. ISSN: 0018-2702 Fulltext: online in Project Muse, Swetswise and Ebsco
  • Doherty, Brian (2007). Radicals for Capitalism: A Freewheeling History of the Modern American Libertarian Movement
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  • Ebeling, Richard M. (May 1999)."Friedrich A. Hayek: A Centenary Appreciation" The Freeman
  • Ebenstein, Alan O. (2001). Friedrich Hayek: A Biography.
  • Feldman, Jean-Philippe. (December 1999) "Hayek's Critique Of The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights". Journal des Économistes et des Études Humaines, Volume 9, Issue 4 : 1145–6396.
  • Frowen, S. ed. (1997). Hayek: economist and social philosopher
  • Gamble, Andrew (1996). The Iron Cage of Liberty, an analysis of Hayek's ideas
  • Goldsworthy, J. D. (1986). "Hayek's Political and Legal Philosophy: An Introduction" [1986] SydLawRw 3; 11(1) Sydney Law Review 44
  • Gray, John (1998). Hayek on Liberty.
  • Hacohen, Malach (2000). Karl Popper: The Formative Years, 1902–1945.
  • Horwitz, Steven (2005). "Friedrich Hayek, Austrian Economist". Journal of the History of Economic Thought 27(1): 71–85. ISSN: 1042-7716 Fulltext: in Swetswise, Ingenta and Ebsco
  • Hayek, Friedrich August (1948). Individualism and economic order. University of Chicago Press, ISBN 978-0-226-32093-9.
  • Issing, O. (1999). Hayek, currency competition and European monetary union
  • Jones, Daniel Stedman. (2012) Masters of the Universe: Hayek, Friedman, and the Birth of Neoliberal Politics (Princeton University Press; 424 pages)
  • Kasper, Sherryl (2002). The Revival of Laissez-Faire in American Macroeconomic Theory: A Case Study of Its Pioneers. Chpt. 4.
  • Kley, Roland (1994). Hayek's Social and Political Thought. Oxford Univ. Press.
  • Muller, Jerry Z. (2002). The Mind and the Market: Capitalism in Western Thought. Anchor Books.
  • Pavlík, Ján (2004). Curtha i gcartlann 2012-02-16 ar an Wayback Machine. F. A. von Hayek and The Theory of Spontaneous Order. Professional Publishing 2004, Prague,
  • Plant, Raymond (2009). The Neo-liberal State Oxford University Press, 312 pages
  • Rosenof, Theodore (1974). "Freedom, Planning, and Totalitarianism: The Reception of F. A. Hayek's Road to Serfdom", Canadian Review of American Studies
  • Samuelson, Paul A. (2009). "A Few Remembrances of Friedrich von Hayek (1899–1992)", Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 69(1), pp. 1–4. Reprinted at J. Bradford DeLong <eblog.
  • Samuelson, Richard A. (1999). "Reaction to the Road to Serfdom." Modern Age 41(4): 309–317. ISSN: 0026-7457 Fulltext: in Ebsco
  • Schreuder, Hein (1993). "Coase, Hayek and Hierarchy", In: S. Lindenberg & Hein Schreuder, eds., Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Organization Studies, Oxford: Pergamon Press
  • Shearmur, Jeremy (1996). Hayek and after: Hayekian Liberalism as a Research Programme. Routledge.
  • Tebble, Adam James (2009). "Hayek and social justice: a critique", Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 12 (4):581–604.
  • Tebble, Adam James (2010). Hayek, Continuum.
  • Touchie, John (2005). Hayek and Human Rights: Foundations for a Minimalist Approach to Law. Edward Elgar.
  • Vanberg, V. (2001). "Hayek, Friedrich A von (1899–1992)," International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, pp. 6482–6486.
  • Vernon, Richard (1976). "The 'Great Society' and the 'Open Society': Liberalism in Hayek and Popper." Canadian Journal of Political Science 9(2): 261–276. Issn: 0008-4239 Fulltext: in Jstor
  • Wapshott, Nicholas (2011). Keynes Hayek: The Clash That Defined Modern Economics, (W.W. Norton & Company) 382 pages ISBN 978-0-393-07748-3; covers the debate with Keynes in letters, articles, conversation, and by the two economists' disciples.
  • Weimer, W., and Palermo, D., eds. (1982). Cognition and the Symbolic Processes. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Contains Hayek's essay, "The Sensory Order after 25 Years" with "Discussion."
  • Wolin, R. (2004). The Seduction of Unreason: The Intellectual Romance with Fascism from Nietzsche to Postmodernism. Princeton University Press, Princeton.