(en) Benedict Richard O'Gorman Anderson, Java in a Time of Revolution: Occupation and Resistance, 1944-1946, Equinox Publishing, (ISBN978-979-3780-14-6, lire en ligne)
(en) Chiara Formichi, Islam and the Making of the Nation: Kartosuwiryo and Political Islam in 20th Century Indonesia, BRILL, (ISBN978-90-04-26046-7, lire en ligne)
(en) Remy Madinier, Islam and Politics in Indonesia: The Masyumi Party between Democracy and Integralism, NUS Press, (ISBN978-9971-69-843-0, lire en ligne)
(id) Harry A. Poeze, Cornelis Dijk et Inge van der Meulen, Di negeri penjajah: orang Indonesia di negeri Belanda, 1600-1950, KPG bekerja sama dengan KITLV-Jakarta dan Universitas Leiden, (ISBN978-979-9107-49-7, lire en ligne)
(en) Phạm Văn Thuỷ, Beyond Political Skin: Colonial to National Economies in Indonesia and Vietnam (1910s-1960s), Springer, (ISBN978-981-13-3711-6, lire en ligne)