Paul T Frankl: New dimensions; the decorative arts of today in words & pictures, 1928 et 2013[19]
Paul T Frankl: Form and re-form : a practical handbook of modern interiors, 1930 et 1972 en anglais
Paul T Frankl: Space for living; creative interior decoration and design Paul T Frankl
Paul T Frankl: Machine-made leisure, 1932 en anglais
Paul T Frankl: American textiles, 1954 en anglais
Paul T Frankl: The four phases of architectural style, 1420-1900, 1973 en anglais
Paul Frankl : Principles of architectural history; the four phases of architectural style, 1420-1900, 1914 et 1968 en allemand et en anglais
Paul T Frankl: Literary sources and interpretations through eight centuries
Paul Frankl: Die Renaissancearchitektur in Italien, 1912 en allemand
Paul Frankl: Die Glasmalerei des fünfzehnten Jahrhunderts in Bayern und Schwaben, 1912 en français
Paul T Frankl: Artist file: miscellaneous uncataloged material
Paul T Frankl: The arts & decoration home study course covering the modern movement as applied to interior decoration and kindrid subjects, 1928 en anglais
Design America
Paul T Frankl: Cabinet-bibliothèque "Skyscraper" (Visual)
↑The brute: and other farces by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov,
Bill of the play. Belasco Theatre, Washington, D.C., David Belasco & Sam S. & Lee Shubert proprietors and managers, direction of Sam S. & Lee Shubert (Inc.), L. Stoddard Taylor, resident manager. Henry-Tucker, Inc. presents the Washington Square Players of New York in a repertory of their most successful one-act plays. "A Bear", a farce, by Anton Tchekhov, translated from the Russian by Roy Temple House. Produced under the direction of Edward Goodman, scene designed by Paul T. Frankl
↑Helena's husband
Bill of the play. Belasco Theatre, Washington, D.C., David Belasco & Sam S. & Lee Shubert proprietors and managers, direction of Sam S. & Lee Shubert (Inc.), L. Stoddard Taylor, resident manager. Henry-Tucker, Inc. presents the Washington Square Players of New York in a repertory of their most successful one-act plays. "Heleena's Husband", an historical comedy by Philip Moeller, produced under the direction of Philip Moeller, scenery and furniture designed by Paul T. Frankl, costumes designed by Robert Locker