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Country in Southern Africa Kingdom of EswatiniUmbuso weSwatini (Swazi) Flag Coat of arms Motto: Siyinqaba (Swazi)We are a fortressWe are a mysteryWe hide ourselves awayWe are powerful onesAnthem: Nkulunkulu Mnikati wetibusiso temaSwati Oh God, Giver of Blessings to the SwaziLocation of Eswatini (red)Capital Mbabane (executive) Lobamba (legislative) 26°30′S 31°30′E / 26.500°S 31.500°E / -26.500; 31.500Largest cityMbabaneOfficial language...

FilmThe JokeDirected byJaromil JirešScreenplay byJaromil JirešMilan KunderaBased onThe Jokeby Milan KunderaProduced byMiloš StejskalStarringJosef SomrJana DítětováLuděk MunzarCinematographyJan ČuříkEdited byJosef ValušiakMusic byZdeněk PololáníkRunning time81 minutesCountryCzechoslovakiaLanguageCzech The Joke (Czech: Žert) is a 1969 Czechoslovak film by director Jaromil Jireš. It is considered one of the last films of the Czech New Wave movement.[1] Based on Milan Kund...

Cet article possède un paronyme, voir Roger Rémondon. Pour les articles homonymes, voir Rémond. René RémondFonctionsPrésidentLiberté pour l'histoire2005-2007Pierre NoraFauteuil 1 de l'Académie française18 juin 1998 - 14 avril 2007François FuretClaude DagensPrésidentAssociation des anciens élèves, élèves et amis de l'École normale supérieure (d)1989-2001Gilbert DagronPrésidentConseil supérieur des archives1988-2007Georgette ElgeyPrésidentFondation nationale des sciences po...

Gaelic football tournament in Ireland 1932–33 National Football LeagueLeague detailsDatesApril 1932 – September 1933League championsWinnersMeath (1st win)CaptainBill ShawLeague runners-upRunners-upCavanCaptainJim Smith← 1931–32 1933–34 → The 1932–33 National Football League was the 6th staging of the National Football League, a Gaelic football tournament for the Gaelic Athletic Association county teams of Ireland, held in 1932 and 1933. Meath won the league, with captain...

Hendrikus Haris Haryanto Kepala Badan Pengembangan Kebijakan dan Teknologi Pertahanan KemhanMasa jabatan2 Mei 2023 – 1 April 2024 PendahuluJulexi TambayongPenggantiPetahanaKepala Staf Komando Pertahanan Udara NasionalMasa jabatan23 Februari 2021 – 21 Januari 2022 PendahuluI Wayan SulabaPenggantiNovyan Samyoga sebagai KaskoopsudnasKomandan Lanud Sultan HasanuddinMasa jabatan29 November 2018 – 23 Februari 2021 PendahuluBowo BudiartoPenggantiDanet Hendriyanto Inf...

Scottish-born American labor leader (1886–1952) For the British ophthalmologist, see Philip I. Murray. For the abolitionist, journalist and civil rights activist, see Philip H. Murray. Philip MurrayMurray in 1936Vice President of the United Mine WorkersIn office1920–1942Succeeded byThomas Kennedy1st President of the United SteelworkersIn office1942–1952Succeeded byDavid J. McDonald2nd President of theCongress of Industrial OrganizationsIn office1940–1952Preceded byJohn L. LewisSuc...
Concert hall and theater at Purdue University in Indiana, United States Elliott Hall of MusicFormer namesPurdue Hall of Music (1940-1958)Location712 3rd St.West Lafayette, Indiana 47907Coordinates40°25′40″N 86°54′54″W / 40.4279°N 86.9149°W / 40.4279; -86.9149OwnerPurdue UniversityTypeIndoor theatreSeating typeReservedCapacity6,005ConstructionBroke groundOctober 24, 1938OpenedMay 3, 1940WebsiteElliott Hall of Music The Elliott Hall of Music is a theater loca...

CBS affiliate in Birmingham, Alabama This article is about the television station in Birmingham, Alabama. For the achievement test, see Wechsler Individual Achievement Test. For other uses, see IAT. WBMG redirects here. Not to be confused with WBNG-TV. WIATBirmingham–Tuscaloosa–Anniston, AlabamaUnited StatesCityBirmingham, AlabamaChannelsDigital: 30 (UHF)Virtual: 42BrandingCBS 42ProgrammingAffiliations42.1: CBSfor others, see § SubchannelsOwnershipOwnerNexstar Media Group(Nexstar Me...

1956 filmRocket SquadDirected byChuck JonesStory byTedd PierceProduced byEdward SelzerStarringMel Blanc(all voices)Narrated byMel BlancMusic byMilt FranklynAnimation byKen Harris Richard Thompson Abe Levitow Ben WashamLayouts byErnie NordliBackgrounds byPhilip De GuardColor processTechnicolorDistributed byWarner Bros. Pictures The Vitaphone CorporationRelease dateMarch 10, 1956 (U.S.)Running time6:35LanguageEnglish Rocket Squad is a 1956 Warner Bros. Merrie Melodies cartoon directed by Chuck ...

Language group YuraThura-YuraGeographicdistributionSouth AustraliaLinguistic classificationPama–NyunganArandic–Thura-YuraYuraSubdivisions Yura proper Kadli Wirangu Glottologthur1253Thura-Yura languages (green) among other Pama–Nyungan (tan). The two groups are Nangga (west) and Yura–Kadli (east) The Yura or Thura-Yura languages are a group of Australian Aboriginal languages surrounding Spencer Gulf and Gulf St Vincent in South Australia, that comprise a genetic language family of the ...

Voce principale: Nazionale di calcio della Repubblica Ceca. Repubblica Ceca Under-19 Uniformi di gara Casa Trasferta Sport Calcio Federazione ČMFS Soprannome Lvíčata (Piccoli Leoni) Selezionatore David Holoubek Esordio internazionale Rep. Ceca U-19 4-1 Grecia Under-19 Lpnice, Repubblica Ceca; 18 settembre 2001 Migliore vittoria Rep. Ceca U-19 13-0 Andorra Under-19 Mnichovo Hradiště; 13 ottobre 2001 Peggiore sconfitta Spagna Under-19 5-1 Rep. Ceca U-19Tallinn; 21 maggio 2009 ...

Ini adalah nama Batak Angkola, marganya adalah Siregar. Arifin Mohamed Siregar[1] Duta Besar Indonesia untuk Amerika Serikat ke-13Masa jabatan1 Oktober 1993 – 21 November 1997PresidenSoehartoPendahuluAbdul Rahman RamlyPenggantiDorodjatun Kuntjoro-JaktiMenteri Perdagangan Indonesia ke-22Masa jabatan21 Maret 1988 – 17 Maret 1993PresidenSoehartoPendahuluRachmat SalehPenggantiSatrio Budihardjo JoedonoGubernur Bank Indonesia ke-8Masa jabatan1983–1988Pres...

尼古拉·雷日科夫Николай Рыжков攝於2019年 俄羅斯聯邦委員會议员任期2003年9月17日—2023年9月25日选区别尔哥罗德州 俄羅斯国家杜马议员任期1995年12月17日—2003年9月17日选区别尔哥罗德州 苏联部長會議主席任期1985年9月27日—1991年1月14日总统米哈伊尔·谢尔盖耶维奇·戈尔巴乔夫前任尼古拉·亚历山德罗维奇·吉洪诺夫继任瓦连京·谢尔盖耶维奇·帕夫洛夫(总�...

Buddhist stupa in Xinjiang, China RawakRawak Stupa from above southwest wall. November 2008.Location of Rawak StupaLocation ChinaRegionLop County, Hotan Prefecture, XinjiangCoordinates37°20′46″N 80°09′49″E / 37.3460°N 80.1635°E / 37.3460; 80.1635 Rawak (Chinese: 热瓦克佛寺遗址) is a Buddhist stupa located on the southern rim of the Taklamakan Desert in Xinjiang, China, along the famous trade route known as the Silk Road in the first millenni...

Stasiun Akagi赤城駅Stasiun Akagi pada November 2017Lokasi2445-3 Ōmama, Ōmama-chō, Midori-shi, Gunma-ken 376-0101JepangKoordinat36°25′32″N 139°16′37″E / 36.4255°N 139.2769°E / 36.4255; 139.2769Koordinat: 36°25′32″N 139°16′37″E / 36.4255°N 139.2769°E / 36.4255; 139.2769Operator Tōbu Railway Jōmō Electric Railway Company Jalur Jalur Tōbu Kiryū ■ Jalur Jōmō Letak14.6 km dari ŌtaJumlah peron1 peron pulau + 1 pe...

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العلاقات النمساوية السلوفينية النمسا سلوفينيا النمسا سلوفينيا تعديل مصدري - تعديل العلاقات النمساوية السلوفينية هي العلاقات الثنائية التي تجمع بين النمسا وسلوفينيا.[1][2][3][4][5] مقارنة بين البلدين هذه مقارنة عامة ومرجعية للدولتين: وجه ...

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Узбекистан на Олімпійських іграх Код МОК:UZB НОК:Національний олімпійськийкомітет Узбекистану Олімпійські ігри в Атланті Спортсмени 71 у 12 видах спорту Прапороносець Тимур Ібрагімов МедаліМісце: 58 Золото0 Срібло1 Бронза1 Всього2 Участь у літніх Олімпійських іг...

Ministry of Communication Technologies and Digital Transformationوزير تكنولوجيات الاتصال و التحول الرقميCoat of Arms of TunisiaAgency overviewAgency executiveNizar Ben Neji, Minister of Information and Communication Politics of Tunisia Member State of the African Union Member State of the Arab League Constitution Current constitution Constitution of 2022 Past constitution Constitution of 1959 Constitution of 2014 Executive...