Le professeur Henrik Kehlet, MD, PhD, ancien professeur de chirurgie à l'université de Copenhague, est aujourd’hui professeur en thérapie péri-opératoire à l’hôpital universitaire Rigshospitalet de Copenhague (Danemark)[1].
Les travaux de recherche du professeur Kehlet, publiés dans plus de 800 articles scientifiques[1], se sont principalement concentrés sur la physiopathologie chirurgicale, la physiologie et le traitement de la douleur aiguë, le passage de la douleur aiguë vers la douleur chronique, la fatigue et les dysfonctionnements post-opératoires des organes.
L’ensemble de ces recherches ont abouti à la création du concept de récupération rapide après chirurgie (RRAC), également appelé « Fast-Track-Chirurgie » ou en anglais : enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS), l’objectif étant des « interventions chirurgicales sans douleur et sans risques »[2],[3],[4].
« Why is the patient in hospital today? » (Br J Anaesth. 1997) : selon Kehlet, les chirurgiens et médecins devraient tous les jours se poser la question de savoir pourquoi le patient est toujours hospitalisé.
Prix et distinctions
Henrik Kehlet et ses travaux sont primés et distingués dans le monde entier[5] :
Honorary Doctor, université de Linköping, Suède, 1987
Honorary Fellow, Royal College of Anaesthetists, England 1995
Honorary Fellow, American College of Surgeons, US 2003
Honorary Fellow of The German Surgical Society, Allemagne, 2005
Honorary Member of the Chilean Surgical Society, Chili, 2006
Honorary Member of the Chilean Colorectal Society, Chili, 2006
Honorary Member of the German Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Allemagne, 2007
Honorary Member of the Spanish Society of Colo-proctology, Spain 2010
Honorary Fellow, Faculty of Pain Medicine, Australie, 2012
Honorary Fellow, American Surgical Association, US 2012
The ASRA Lecture, American Society of Regional Anesthesia, San Diego, US 1984
The Arwid Wretlind Lecture, European Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, Grèce, 1990
The Husfeldt Lecture, Danish Society of Anaesthesiology, Danemark, 1991
The Steen-Otto Liljedahl Lecture, université de Linköping, Suède, 1991
The Annual Honorary Lecture, Faculty of Anaesthetists in Ireland, Dublin 1991
The Hust Memorial Lecture, Department of Surgery, Atlanta University, Atlanta, US 1992
The Annual Honorary Lecture, Danish Society of Orthopedic Surgery, Copenhagen 1993
The Bonica Lecture, American Society of Regional Anesthesia, Seattle, US 1993
The Martin H:sson Holmdahl Lecture, Swedish Society of Anaesthesiology, Stockholm, Sweden 1994
The Ben Covino Lecture, université Harvard, Boston, US 1995
The Ferguson Lecture, Harvard University, Boston, US 1995
The Rutherford Morrison Lecture, Newcastle University, England 1998
The Queen Ingrid of Denmark Honorary Lecture, Denmark, Åbenrå, 1998
The Bengt Ihre Oration, université de Linköping, Suède, 1998
The Annual Health Care Lecture, British Society of Anaesthetists, Londres, 1999
The Annual Pain Lecture, British Pain Society, Edinburgh, England 1999
The Bruce Scott Lecture, European Society of Regional Anaesthesia, Cambridge, England 2001
The Carl Koller Lecture, European Society of Regional Anaesthesia, Malte, 2003
The Michael Cousins Lecture, Australian & New Zealand Anaesthesia Society, Hobart, Australie, 2003
The Thomas G Williams Lecture, Canadian Surgical Society, Ottawa, Canada, 2004
The Ron Needs Lecture, Toronto University, Canada, 2004
The Labat Lecture, American Society of Regional Anesthesia, Toronto, Canada, 2005
The Litchfield Lecture, Oxford University, England 2005
The Rupert B Turnbull Memorial Oration, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, US 2005
The Theodor Kocher Lecture, Berne University, Suisse, 2005
The Harry E Bacon Lecture, American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, Seattle, US 2006
The International Surgery Lecture, American College of Surgeons, Chicago, US 2006
The Nicoll Lecture, International Association for Ambulatory Surgery, Amsterdam, Holland 2007
The British Journal of Surgery Lecture, Society of Academic Surgeons, Birmingham, England 2008
The Annual Lecture of the American Society of Ambulatory Anesthesia, Miami US 2008
The British Journal of Surgery lecture, German Surgical Society, Munich, Germany 2009
The Honorary Lecture, Scandinavian Society of Gastroenterology, Stavanger, Norway 2009
The Ron Needs Lecture, Toronto University, Canada 2009
The Astley Cooper Oration. British Hernia Society, Bournemouth, UK 2009
The Simpson Memorial Lecture. Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, Scotland 2010
The Henry Starling Lecture, University College of London, UK 2010
The Eigil Amundsen Honorary Lecture, Oslo University, Norvège, 2010
The European Society of Regional Anaesthesia Distinguished Award, Alicante, Spain 2010
The Gelman-Zinner Lecture, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard University Boston, US 2011
The Wesley Bourne Lecture, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 2011
The Prithvi Raj Honorary Lecture, World Institute Pain, Miami, US 2012
The Jacques Perissat Lecture, European Association for Endoscopic Surgery, Bruxelles, 2012
Danish Society of Anaesthesiology Honorary Award 1980
N.C.Nielsen’s Surgical Award, Denmark 1983
Geert Espersen and Wife’s Honorary Award, Denmark 1989
The William Nielsen Foundation Honorary Award, Denmark 1994
The Novo-Nordic Award, Denmark 1996
The August Krogh Award, Denmark 2000
The Lippmann Award, Denmark, 2005
The Gimbernat Prize, Catalan Surgical Society, Barcelone, 2007
The Fritz-Erler Award, Erlangen University, Germany 2009
The Kirsten and Freddy Johansen’s Clinical Research Prize, Copenhagen University, Denmark 2011
↑(en) S Møiniche, S Bülow, P Hesselfeldt, A Hestbaek, H Kehlet, « Convalescence and hospital stay after colonic surgery with balanced analgesia, early oral feeding, and enforced mobilisation », The European Journal of Surgery = Acta Chirurgica, vol. 161, no 4, , p. 283-288 (ISSN1102-4151, PMID7612772)