(en) Cuthbert Christy, The African rubber industry and Funtumia elastica ('kickxia') with 110 illustrations from photographs by the author and others, 10 full-page plates of drawings, a map and several diagrams, J. Bale, Sons & Danielson, Limited, Londres, 1911, 252 p.
(en) Harry Hamilton Johnston, Liberia. With an appendix on the flora of Liberia, by Dr. Otto Stapf, 28 coloured illustrations by Sir Harry Johnston, 24 botanical drawings by Miss Matilda Smith [...], vol. 2, Hutchinson & co., 1906, p. 630
Louis Hédin, « L'exploitation du Caoutchouc de Funtumia au Cameroun », in Revue de botanique appliquée et d'agriculture coloniale, 1928, vol. 8, no 81, p. 353-357, [lire en ligne]
M. Luc, Un arbre à caoutchouc du Congo, le 'Funtumia elastica', Bibliothèque d'agriculture coloniale, Paris, 1908, 24 p.[lire en ligne]