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Sunfishes Periode Eosen Awal hingga Sekarang Centrarchidae Flier (Centrarchus macropterus)TaksonomiKerajaanAnimaliaFilumChordataKelasActinopteriOrdoCentrarchiformesUpaordoCentrarchoideiFamiliCentrarchidae Cope GeneraLihat teksDistribusiCentrarchidae native range lbs Centrarchidae atau kakap sungai adalah keluarga ikan bersirip air tawar yang termasuk ordo Perciformes [1](sebelumnya milik Centrarchiformes yang sudah tidak digunakan lagi). Jenis genus adalah Centrarchus (hanya terdiri d...



ThresholdCover of Threshold #1 (March 2013), art by Howard Porter and Hi-Fi.Publication informationPublisherDC ComicsScheduleMonthlyFormatOngoing seriesGenre Science fiction, superhero Publication dateMarch – October 2013No. of issues8Creative teamWritten byKeith GiffenArtist(s)Tom Raney, Scott Kolins, Phil WinsladeLetterer(s)Dezi Sienty, David SharpeColorist(s)Andrew Dalhouse, John Kalisz, Chris Sotomayor, Hi-FiEditor(s)Kate Stewart, Joey Cavalieri, Matt Idelson, Kyle Andrukiewicz Thr...

Perpustakaan Digital Dunia en: World Digital LibraryURLwww.wdl.orgNama singkatWDL TipePendidikan internasionalPerdagangan ?TidakLangueMulti-bahasaPemilikAmerika SerikatPembuatLibrary of CongressService entry (en)21 April 2009Lokasi kantor pusatWashington, D.C. NegaraAmerika Serikat Peringkat Alexa43.543 (11 Agustus 2020) KeadaanDaring Perpustakaan Digital Dunia atau World Digital Library (WDL) adalah perpustakaan digital antarnegara yang dikelola oleh UNESCO dan Library of Congress (Perp...



Disambiguazione – Dirac rimanda qui. Se stai cercando altri significati, vedi Dirac (disambigua). Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac Premio Nobel per la fisica 1933 Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac (pronuncia inglese [dɪˈræk]; Bristol, 8 agosto 1902 – Tallahassee, 20 ottobre 1984) è stato un fisico britannico. Premio Nobel per la fisica nel 1933 (insieme a Erwin Schrödinger) per la scoperta di nuove fruttuose forme della teoria atomica,[1] diede contributi fondamentali allo svil...



American nutritionist and self-help writer, 1895-1984 Gayelord HauserHauser in 1930BornHelmut Eugen Benjamin Gellert HauserMay 17, 1895Tübingen, GermanyDiedDecember 26, 1984 (aged 89)North Hollywood, CaliforniaOccupation(s)Naturopath, health and nutrition author Benjamin Gayelord Hauser (May 17, 1895 - December 26, 1984),[1] popularly known as Gayelord Hauser, was an American nutritionist and self-help writer, who promoted the 'natural way of eating' during the mid-20th century. He p...

FranchevillecomuneFrancheville – Veduta LocalizzazioneStato Francia RegioneGrand Est Dipartimento Marna ArrondissementChâlons-en-Champagne CantoneChâlons-en-Champagne-3 TerritorioCoordinate48°54′N 4°32′E / 48.9°N 4.533333°E48.9; 4.533333 (Francheville)Coordinate: 48°54′N 4°32′E / 48.9°N 4.533333°E48.9; 4.533333 (Francheville) Superficie9,18 km² Abitanti219[1] (2009) Densità23,86 ab./km² Altre informazioniCod. po...



American seafood restaurant chain Bubba Gump Shrimp CompanyCompany typeSubsidiaryIndustrySeafood restaurantFoundedMonterey, California (1996; 28 years ago (1996))HeadquartersHouston, TexasNumber of locations35 restaurants[1]Area servedUnited States Canada United Kingdom Mexico Mainland China Hong Kong Indonesia Japan Qatar Egypt (Future) Kuwait (Future) ParentLandry's, Inc.(2010–present) The Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. restaurant in Long Beach, Ca...



Egyptian queen of the 12th dynasty Nofret IIStatue of Nofret IIBurialLahun (possibly)SpouseSenusret IIDynasty12th of EgyptFatherAmenemhat II Nofret II (her name means Beautiful One) was an ancient Egyptian queen of the 12th dynasty. She was a daughter of Amenemhat II and wife of Senusret II.[1] Nofret II, 12th dynasty, Cairo Museum Along with Khenemetneferhedjet I she was one of the two known wives of Senusret II; his other two possible wives were Khenemet and Itaweret. All four were ...

List of largest LGBT eventsThe Stonewall Inn located in Greenwich Village was the site of the June 1969 Stonewall riots. That event in New York City's LGBT history has served as a touchstone for various social movements, as well as the catalyst for Pride parades around the world.[1][2][3]Frequencyannually, last Sunday in JuneLocation(s)New York CityInauguratedJune 28, 1970 (1970-06-28), as part of Christopher Street Liberation DayOrganized byHeritage of...



Dutch astronomer and chemist In this Dutch name, the surname is van Dishoeck, not Dishoeck. Ewine van DishoeckEwine van Dishoeck (2014)Born (1955-06-13) 13 June 1955 (age 68)Leiden, NetherlandsSpouseTim de ZeeuwAwards Fritz Zwicky Prize for Astrophysics and Cosmology (2022) Kavli Prize for Astrophysics (2018) James Craig Watson Medal (2018) Albert Einstein World Award of Science (2015) Gothenburg Lise Meitner Prize (2014) Bourke Award (2001) Spinoza Prize (2000) Gold Medal of the Royal D...



National Football League rivalry Chargers–Chiefs rivalry Los Angeles Chargers Kansas City Chiefs First meetingSeptember 10, 1960:Chargers 21–Texans 20Latest meetingJanuary 7, 2024:Chiefs 13–Chargers 12Next meeting2024StatisticsMeetings total128 (including the playoffs)All-time seriesChiefs: 69–58–1 (including the playoffs)Postseason resultsChargers: 1–0 January 2, 1993:Chargers 17, Chiefs 0Largest victoryChargers: 31–0 (2010); Chiefs: 49–6 (1964)Longest win streakChargers: 6 (...

Le système ecclésiastique impérial est le plus souvent associé à Otton Ier. Le Reichskirchensystem ou système d'Église d'Empire désigne une structure créée par les Ottoniens et Saliens dans l'Allemagne du haut Moyen Âge consistant à installer des évêques dans toute la Germanie afin qu'ils jouent un rôle dans la gestion du royaume. L'Église dans cette perspective consolide le pouvoir impérial. Pour certains historiens, le Reichskirchensystem est le produit d'une volonté de cr...



  提示:此条目页的主题不是中國—瑞士關係。   關於中華民國與「瑞」字國家的外交關係,詳見中瑞關係 (消歧義)。 中華民國—瑞士關係 中華民國 瑞士 代表機構駐瑞士台北文化經濟代表團瑞士商務辦事處代表代表 黃偉峰 大使[註 1][4]處長 陶方婭[5]Mrs. Claudia Fontana Tobiassen 中華民國—瑞士關係(德語:Schweizerische–republik china Beziehungen、法�...



2006 fantasy film directed by Gore Verbinski This article is about the film. For the video game, see Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (video game). For the soundtrack, see Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (soundtrack). Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's ChestTheatrical release posterDirected byGore VerbinskiWritten by Ted Elliott Terry Rossio Based on Charactersby Ted Elliott    Terry Rossio    Stuart Beattie    ...

Overview of climatic conditions in India A scene in Uttarakhand's Valley of Flowers National Park. In contrast to the rain shadow region of Tirunelveli, the park receives ample orographic precipitation due to its location in a mountainous windward-facing region wedged between the Zanskars and the Greater Himalayas. The formation of the Himalayas (pictured) during the Early Eocene some 52 mya was a key factor in determining India's modern-day climate; global climate and ocean chemistry ma...



Frédérique BanguéNazionalità Francia Atletica leggera Specialità60m, 100m, 4x100m Termine carriera2002 Palmarès  Mondiali ArgentoEdmonton 20014x100m BronzoParigi 200160m  Europei OroBudapest 19984x100m ArgentoValencia 199860m   Modifica dati su Wikidata · Manuale Frédérique Bangué (Lione, 31 dicembre 1976) è un'ex velocista e giornalista francese. Indice 1 Biografia 2 Palmarès 2.1 Competizioni all'aperto 2.2 Competizioni al coperto 3 Collegamenti esterni B...



Cesano Bosconecomune Cesano Boscone – VedutaPiazza S. Giovanni LocalizzazioneStato Italia Regione Lombardia Città metropolitana Milano AmministrazioneSindacoMarco Pozza (PD) dall'11-06-2024 TerritorioCoordinate45°26′25.55″N 9°05′11.68″E45°26′25.55″N, 9°05′11.68″E (Cesano Boscone) Altitudine119 m s.l.m. Superficie3,94 km² Abitanti23 415[1] (31-3-2024) Densità5 942,89 ab./km² Comuni confinantiCorsico, Milano, Trez...

Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat DaerahKota PontianakDewan Perwakilan RakyatKota Pontianak2019-2024JenisJenisUnikameral SejarahSesi baru dimulai16 September 2019PimpinanKetuaSatarudin, S.H. (PDI-P) sejak 7 November 2019 Wakil Ketua IDr. Firdaus Zar’in, S.Pd., M.Si. (NasDem) sejak 7 November 2019 Wakil Ketua IIH. Naufal Ba'bud, S.P., M.Sos. (Gerindra) sejak 7 November 2019 Wakil Ketua IIIMuhammad Arif, S.Ag. (PKS) sejak 7 November 2019 KomposisiAnggota45Partai & kursi  P...



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