Juliet Stevensonin filmografia ja esiintymiset

Dakota Blue Richards ja Juliet Stevenson televisio­elo­kuvassa Dustbin Baby 2008.

Tämä on Juliet Stevensonin filmografia ja esiintymiset.


Vuosi Suomenkielinen nimi Alkuperäinen nimi Rooli
1983 Bazaar and Rummage Bazaar and Rummage Fliss
1984 BBC Television Shakespeare: Pericles, Prince of Tyre Pericles, Prince of Tyre Thaisa
1987 Life Story Life Story tai The Race for the Double Helix Rosalind Franklin
1988 Kohtalokkaat numerot Drowning by Numbers Cissie Colpitts
1990 Miekkatikkaat Ladder of Swords Alice Howard
Truly, Madly, Deeply Truly, Madly, Deeply Nina
The March The March Clare Fitzgerald
1993 The Secret Rapture The Secret Rapture Isobel Coleridge
Oikeusjuttu The Trial Fräulein Burstner
1994 Verdi Verdi Giuseppina Strepponi
1996 Emma Emma Mrs. Elton
2000 Beckett: Näytelmä Play Second Woman
2001 Saiturin joulu Christmas Carol: The Movie Mrs. Cratchit / Mother Gimlet
The Search for John Gissing The Search for John Gissing Gwenyth Moore
2002 Nicholas Nicklebyn elämä ja seikkailut Nicholas Nickleby Rouva Squeers
Parempi kuin Beckham Bend It Like Beckham Paula Paxton
The Road from Coorain The Road from Coorain Eve
Food of Love Food of Love Pamela Porterfield
2003 Hiljaisuuden lapset Hear the Silence Christine Shields
Mona Lisa Smile Mona Lisa Smile Amanda Armstrong
2004 Being Julia Being Julia Evie
2005 Pierrepoint Pierrepoint Annie Pierrepoint
2006 Kunniaton Infamous Diana Vreeland
Murto ja varkaus Breaking and Entering Rosemary
2007 Paluu Yorkshireen And When Did You Last see your Father? Kim
2008 Dustbin Baby Dustbin Baby Marion
2008 Kuuprinsessa The Secret of Moonacre Heliotrope
2009 Aavikon kukka Desert Flower Lucinda
Triage Triage Amy
2013 Diana Diana Sonia
2014 The Letters The Letters


Vuosi Suomenkielinen nimi Alkuperäinen nimi Rooli
1980 Mallenit The Mallens Barbara Mallen / Barbara Bensham
1981 Maybury Maybury Joanna Langston
1993-1994 The Legends of Treasure Island The Legends of Treasure Island Jane (ääni)
1995 Poliitikon vaimo The Politician's Wife Flora Matlock
2007 Neiti Marple: Syyttömyyden taakka Agatha Christie's Marple: Ordeal By Innocence Gwenda Vaughn
2010 Seinää vasten Accused Helen Ryland
Kova laki: Lontoo Law & Order: UK Rachel Callaghan
2011 The Hour The Hour Lady Elms
Komisario Lewis: Kymmenen vuoden hiljaisuus Lewis Old, Unhappy, Far Off Things Diana Ellerby
2012 White Heat White Heat Charlotte
2023 Secret Invasion Secret Invasion Elizabeth Hill


Vuosi Esitys Rooli Teatteri
1978 Myrsky Royal Shakespeare Company
Antonius ja Kleopatra Royal Shakespeare Company
Mitta mitasta Royal Shakespeare Company
The Churchill Play
Lovers and Kings
Kuinka äkäpussi kesytetään
The White Guard
Once in a Lifetime
1980 Henrik IV: Ensimmäinen osa ja Henrik IV: Toinen osa Royal Shakespeare Company
1981 Kesäyön uni
The Witch of Edmonton
1983 Other Worlds Royal Court Theatre, Lontoo
1984 Mitta mitasta Royal Shakespeare Company, Stratford Theatre
Breaking the Silence Royal Shakespeare Company, The Pit Theatre
1985 Troilus ja Cressida Royal Shakespeare Company, Stratford Theatre
Miten haluatte Royal Shakespeare Company, Stratford Theatre
1986 Vaarallisia suhteita Royal Shakespeare Company, The Pit Theatre
1987 Yerma National Theatre, Cottesloe Theatre, Lontoo
1989 Hedda Gabler National Theatre, Olivier Theatre, Lontoo
On the Verge Sadler’s Wells Theatre, Lontoo
1990 Burn This Hampstead Theatre, myöhemmin West End Theatre, molemmat Lontoo
1992 Death and the Maiden Theatre Upstairs, myöhemmin Royal Court Theatre, Lontoo (1991) ja Duke of York Theatre, West End
1993 Scenes from an Execution Mark Taper Forum, Los Angeles
1995 The Duchess of Malfi Greenwich Theatre/ Wyndham’s Theatre, Lontoo
1997 Kaukaasialainen liitupiiri National Theatre, Lontoo
1999 Private Lives National Theatre
2000 The Country Royal Court Theatre
2004 We Happy Few Gielgud Theatre, Lontoo
2005 The Alice Trilogy Royal Court Theatre
2006 Lokki National Theatre
2009 Duetto yhdelle teatteriversio, Lontoo
2011 The Heretic Royal Court Theatre
2014 Voi miten ihana päivä Young Vic


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