The zygomaticus major muscle is a muscle of the face. It arises from either zygomatic arch (cheekbone); it inserts at the corner of the mouth. It is innervated by branches of the facial nerve (cranial nerve VII).
It is a muscle of facial expression, which draws the angle of the mouth superiorly and posteriorly to allow one to smile. Bifid zygomaticus major muscle is a notable variant, and may cause cheek dimples.
The zygomaticus major muscle may occur in a bifid form, with two fascicles that are partially or completely separate from each other but adjacent.[1][3] It is thought that cheek dimples are caused by bifid zygomaticus major muscle.[3]
The zygomaticus major muscle raises the upper lip to bare the upper teeth. It additionally deepens and raises the nasolabial furrow. Acting in conjunction with other muslces of facial expression that elevate the lip, it curls the upper lip to produce facial expressions such as smiling, disdain, contempt, or smugness.[2]
The average muscle can contract with a force of 200 g.[4]
Clinical significance
The zygomaticus major muscle may be used in reconstructive surgery to replace lost tissue, such as with injuries to the lips.[5]
Additional images
Position of zygomaticus major muscle. Animation.
Muscles of the head, face, and neck. Zygomaticus major shown in red.