The Ziadie family is a Maronite family residing in Jamaica, where they were prominent merchants. A branch of the family now resides in the United States and its members have become successful horse trainers.[1][2] They are the descendants of half a dozen Greek Orthodox brothers who emigrated from Lebanon.[3]
Lady Colin Campbell, previously Georgia Ziadie,[4] is descended from this family through her father, department store owner[5] Michael George Ziadie.[6][7] She claims that the Ziadies are a wealthy and well-known family in Jamaica.[8] The opera director Sir Peter Jonas was her cousin.[9]
By 1969, the family's alleged eminence had waned, with only one person of the name- dry goods merchant Edward George Ziadie- appearing in that year's Who's Who in Jamaica, detailing the "Careers of Principal Public Men and Women of Jamaica", alongside an advertisement for a real estate company, "Victor Ziadie Realty".[10]
^Campbell, Colin, Lady (2015). A Life Worth Living. Arcadia Books Limited. pp. 22–23. ISBN978-1-910-05086-6.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
^Who's Who in Jamaica: An Illustrated Biographical Record of Outstanding People in Jamaica, ed. Stephen A. Hill, 1969, pp. 216, 419