The administrative center is the city of Zgharta. The district has 101 populated areas with 30 municipalities covering 37 villages. Some areas share the same municipality such as Ehden/Zgharta, Kfarsghab/Morh Kfarsghab, and Miziara/Harf Miziara. And there is one Municipalities Union.
The district has a population of around 81,490.
The district elevation is about 40 meters along the coast line and clmbs up to a height of 2,550 meters at the highest point of the Mount Lebanon mountain range.
The highest populated part of the district overlooks the Qozhaya Valley, which is the northern branch of the Holy Valley of Qadisha, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Horsh Ehden Nature Reserve is in the mountains within the district. This higher part of the district is a visitor destination, including the Monastery of Mar Sarkis and the Monastery of Qozhaya areas.
Agriculture stays the main activity of the district with an important olive oil production in the coastal area and fruits (apple and pears) in the mountain area. The recent years saw the development of a modest service sector around the economic pole of Zgharta.