It is a deciduousshrub growing to 2–3 metres (7–10 ft) tall; its natural mature size is unknown, as all existing specimens have been heavily browsed by goats, limiting their growth. The leaves are oval, 10–50 millimetres (0.4–2.0 in) long and 5–35 mm (0.2–1.4 in) wide, with a petiole 1–4 mm (0.04–0.16 in) long; the margins are lobed, with 6–8 lobes on each side.[3][4]
Garfì, G. (1996). "Zelkova sicula, raro endemita siciliano. Origine, evoluzione, prospettive di conservazione". Bollettino Accademia Gioenia di Scienze Naturali in Catania. 29 (352): 267–284.
Garfì, G. (1997). "On the flowering of Zelkova sicula (Ulmaceae): additional description and comments". Plant Biosystems. 131 (2): 137–142. doi:10.1080/11263504.1997.10654174.
Garfì G.; Barbero, M. & Tessier, L. (2002). "Architecture and growth patterns of Zelkova sicula (Ulmaceae) in south-east Sicily as a response to environmental conditions". Journal of Mediterranean Ecology. 3 (2–3): 65–76.
Nakagawa, T; Garfì, G.; Reille, M. & Verlaque, R. (1998). "Pollen morphology of Zelkova sicula (Ulmaceae), a recently discovered relic species of European tertiary flora: its description, chromosomal relevance, and paleobotanical significance". Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 100: 27–37. doi:10.1016/S0034-6667(97)00062-6.
"Zelkova sicula". Fitogeografia della Sicilia (in Italian). Dipartimento di Botanica Università di Catania.