Zanfina Muzaka, also known as Suina Muzaka, was a 15th-century Albanian noblewoman from the Muzaka family, who ruled under the title of Despots in southern Albania. She is known for her unwanted and controversial divorce from her first husband Karl-Muzak Thopia, as commanded by Skanderbeg, Lord of Albania.[1][2]
Zanfina, or Suina, Muzaka was an Albanian princess and member of the Muzaka family. Little is known about her early life. She firstly married Karl-Muzakë Thopia, with whom she had two children: Yela and Andrea. After Skanderbeg returned to Krujë, he looked for alliances with local Albanian princes. As such, he offered, or possibly forced, a marriage annulment between the couple in order to have his sister Mamiza Kastrioti marry Zanfina's husband. In any case, Karl-Muzakë accepted the proposal regardless of Zanfina's wishes. Later on, she married prince Moisi Golemi from the Arianiti family, who would eventually become one of Skanderbeg's commanders. Both Karl-Muzakë Thopia and Moisi Arianiti were captured by the Ottomans, with the latter being taken to Costantinople where he was executed. She had two children with Moisi Golemi: Cesare Comnino and Despina.
^Hopf, Carl (1873). Genealogy of Epiriote Royal Musachi Family. p. 298.
^Muzaka, Gjon (1873). Historia de li discendenti de nostra casa Musachi. p. 296.