Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V is the fourth spin-off anime in the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise and the eighth anime series overall. It is produced by Nihon Ad Systems and broadcast by TV Tokyo. It is directed by Katsumi Ono and produced by Studio Gallop. Its plot focuses on Yuya Sakaki. Yuya is a boy seeking to become the greatest entertainer in Action Duels who brings forth a new summoning method to Duel Monsters known as Pendulum Summoning. This season covers Yuya and his friends battling in the Synchro Dimension.
Four themes songs are used for this season: two openings and two endings. From episodes 50-75, the third opening theme is "Hanate" (ハナテ, lit. "Unleash") by Gekidan Niagara, while the third ending theme is "Arc of Smile!" by Boys And Men. From episodes 76-98, the fourth opening theme is "Kirifuda" (切り札, lit. "Trump Card") by Cinema Staff, while the fourth ending theme is "Speaking" by Mrs. GREEN APPLE. For the English dub version, the opening theme is "Can You Feel the Power".
The English dub premiered episodes in Canada and Australia on Teletoon and 9Go! respectively. In the United States, Nicktoons skipped the season entirely.
"Warriors of the Air" / The Ultimate Falcon VS The Black-Feathered Thunder Transliteration: "Kyūkyoku no Hayabusa Bāsasu Kurohane no Ikazuchi" (Japanese: 究極の隼VS黒羽の雷)