"You Enjoy Myself", commonly abbreviated to "YEM", is a Phish song written by Trey Anastasio, first played live on February 3, 1986. It is the band's most frequently performed song, having been played at about 33% of their first 1,800 shows.[1]
Trey Anastasio wrote "You Enjoy Myself" while in Florence, Italy.[2] The title came from an Italian man, befriended by Anastasio and Jon Fishman, who wrapped his arms around them near the Uffizi museum and exclaimed, "you know, when I am with you, you enjoy myself!"[2]
A short, a cappella version of "You Enjoy Myself" appeared on The White Tape, Phish's debut album. A longer, full-band version appeared on their album Junta. Live versions (especially after 1995) have regularly exceeded 25 minutes in length.[3]
Fans have dubbed sections of the song with names like "Pre-Nirvana," "Nirvana," "The Note," "The Second Note" and "The Charge."[4] When the song is performed live, one section features Anastasio and bassist Mike Gordon jumping on trampolines in tandem.
The song was ranked #85 in the list of the 100 Greatest Guitar Songs of All Time of Rolling Stone.[5] "You Enjoy Myself" is keyboardist Page McConnell's favorite Phish song.[6]