Yoshino Ōishi

Yoshino Ōishi (大石 芳野, Ōishi Yoshino, born May 28, 1944) is a Japanese photojournalist.

Ōishi was born in Suginami-ku, Tokyo on 28 May 1944.[1] Seeing Melanesian art while at Nihon University had a big effect on her, as did a visit to Vietnam and Cambodia in 1966. After graduating in photography, she became a freelance photojournalist,[2] working in west Africa, southeast Asia, and Europe.[1] In 1971 she held an exhibition in the Nikon Salon of photographs of a Ghanaian child growing up in Nagano; she then spent three years photographing New Guinea.[1] She worked on portraiture, and documented the effects of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, the effects of wartime dioxin in Vietnam, perestroika in the Soviet Union, and more.[1]

Ōishi's work on Vietnam won her the Domon Ken Award.[2] In both 1982 and 1989 she won the Annual Award from the Photographic Society of Japan.[3] She has taught at Tokyo Polytechnic University.[2] Her work is in the permanent collection of the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography.[1]

Books by Ōishi

  • Itoshi no Nyūginia (愛しのニューギニア). Tokyo: Gakushū-kenkyūsha, 1978. (in Japanese) On New Guinea.
  • Hana modashi: Ōishi Yoshino shashinshū (花黙し 大石芳野写真集). Tokyo: Buronzu-sha, 1979. (in Japanese)
  • Onna no kuni ni natta Kanbojia (女の国になったカンボジア). Tokyo: Ushio Shuppansha, 1980. (in Japanese) On Cambodia.
  • Mukoku no tami: Kanbojia no shōgen (無告の民 カンボジアの証言). Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1981. (in Japanese) On Cambodia.
  • Papua-jin: Ima seki-jidai ni ikiru (パプア人 いま石器時代に生きる). Tokyo: Heibonsha, 1981. (in Japanese) On Papua.
  • Wani no tami: Meraneshia geijutsu no hitobito (ワニの民 メラネシア芸術の人びと). Tokyo: Tōjusha, 1983. (in Japanese) On Melanesia.
  • Shōnen Papanī (少年パパニー). Tokyo: Yayoi Shobō, 1983. (in Japanese) On a Ghanaian child in Nagano.
  • Oki no kuni (隠岐の国). Tokyo: Kumon Shuppan, 1984. ISBN 4-87576-177-5(in Japanese) On the Oki islands.
  • Shōgen suru tami: Jūnen ato no Betonamu sensō (証言する民 十年後のベトナム戦争). Tokyo: Kodansha, 1984. ISBN 4-06-201079-8(in Japanese) On Vietnam.
  • Okinawa ni ikiru (沖縄に活きる). Tokyo: Yōbisha, 1986. (in Japanese) On Okinawa.
  • Okinawa no genzō: Uchi to soto no sōkoku (沖縄の原像 内と外との相克). Naha: Nirai-sha, 1988. ISBN 4-88024-112-1. With Masanori Nakahodo (仲程昌徳). (in Japanese) On Okinawa.
  • "Yoru to kiri" o koete: Pōrando kyōsei shūyōjo no seikansha-tachi (〈夜と霧〉をこえて ポーランド・強制収容所の生還者たち). Tokyo: NHK, 1988. ISBN 4-14-008612-2(in Japanese) On the survivors of German Nazi concentration camps in occupied Poland during World War II.
  • Yoru to kiri wa ima (夜と霧は今) / Those Who Survived the Concentration Camps. Tokyo: Yōbisha, 1988. ISBN 4-946419-55-1(in Japanese)
  • Sobieto henreki: Ōishi Yoshino shashinshū (ソビエト遍歴 大石芳野写真集). Tokyo: NHK, 1991. ISBN 4-14-009166-5(in Japanese) On the Soviet Union.
  • Kanashimi no Sobieto: Minzoku o aruku (悲しみのソビエト 民族をあるく). Tokyo: Kodansha, 1991. ISBN 4-06-205400-0(in Japanese) On the Soviet Union.
  • Ano hi, Betonamu ni kare-hazai ga futta: Sensō no kizu-ato o mitsumetsuzuketa shinjitsu no kioku (あの日、ベトナムに枯葉剤がふった 戦争の傷あとを見つめつづけた真実の記録). Tokyo: Kumon Shuppan, 1992. ISBN 4-87576-741-2(in Japanese) On Vietnam.
  • Okinawa: Datsuwa no jidai (沖縄・脱和の時代). Naha: Nirai-sha, 1992. ISBN 4-88024-157-1(in Japanese) On Okinawa. Text by Takeshi Miki (三木健).
  • Kanbojia kugai tenshō: Ōishi Yoshino foto-dokyumento (カンボジア苦界転生 大石芳野フォト・ドキュメント). Tokyo: Kodansha, 1993. ISBN 4-06-314603-0(in Japanese)
  • Kamera o kata ni mita sekai (カメラを肩に見た世界). Messēji 21. Tokyo: Rōdō-junpō-sha, 1993. ISBN 4-8451-0323-0(in Japanese)
  • Hiroshima hanseki no shōzō: Yasuragi o motomeru hibi (半世紀の肖像 やすらぎを求める日々). Tokyo: Kadokawa Shoten, 1995. ISBN 4-04-851108-4(in Japanese) On Hiroshima.
  • Chiisa na kusa ni (小さな草に). Tokyo: Asahi Shinbunsha, 1997. ISBN 4-02-257060-1(in Japanese)
  • Kakki afurete nagai sensō no ato: Betonamu (活気あふれて長い戦争のあと ベトナム). Ajia no kodomo-tachi. Tokyo: Sōdo Bunka, 1997. ISBN 4-7945-0711-9(in Japanese) On Vietnamese children.
  • Okinawa wakanatsu no kioku (沖縄若夏の記憶). Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1997. ISBN 4-00-022358-5(in Japanese) On Okinawa.
  • Inochi no ki: Ajia no hitobito to shizen (生命の木 アジアの人びとと自然). Tokyo: Sōdo Bunka, 1998. ISBN 4-7945-0764-X(in Japanese)
  • Betonamu rin to: Ōishi Yoshino shashinshū (ベトナム凛と 大石芳野写真集) / Vietnam after the War. Tokyo: Kodansha, 2000. ISBN 4-06-210395-8(in Japanese)
  • Kosobo hakai no hate ni: Ōishi Yoshino shashinshū (コソボ破壊の果てに 大石芳野写真集) / Ethnic Cleansing in Kosovo. Tokyo: Kodansha, 2002. ISBN 4-06-211309-0(in Japanese)
  • Afuganisutan senka o ikinuku: Ōishi Yoshino shashinshū (アフガニスタン戦禍を生きぬく 大石芳野写真集) / Afghanistan: Life under Fire and the Sword. Tokyo: Fujiwara Shoten, 2003. ISBN 4-89434-357-6(in Japanese)
  • Kosobo zetsubō no fuchi kara asu e (コソボ絶望の淵から明日へ). Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 2004. ISBN 4-00-026964-X(in Japanese) On Kosovo.
  • Kodomo ikusayo no naka de: Ōishi Yoshino shashinshū (子ども戦世のなかで 大石芳野写真集). Tokyo: Fujiwara Shoten, 2005. ISBN 4-89434-473-4(in Japanese) On children.
  • Tamashii to no deai: Shashinka to shakaigakusha no taiwa (魂との出会い 写真家と社会学者の対話). Tokyo: Fujiwara Shoten, 2007. ISBN 978-4-89434-601-7(in Japanese) Conversations with the sociologist Kazuko Tsurumi (鶴見和子).
  • Kurokawa-nō no sato: Shōnai ni idakarete (黒川能の里 庄内にいだかれて). Tokyo: Seiryū Shuppan, 2008. ISBN 978-4-86029-214-0(in Japanese) With text by Akiko Baba (馬場あき子). On the Kurokawa nō theatre of Tsuruoka (Yamagata).
  • "Fu-hatsudan" to ikiru: Inori o oru Raosu (<不発弾>と生きる 祈りを織るラオス). Tokyo: Fujiwara Shoten, 2008. ISBN 978-4-89434-661-1(in Japanese) On Laos.
  • Shimura no iro: Shimura Fukumi, Shimura Yōko no senshoku (しむらのいろ 志村ふくみ・志村洋子の染織) / Colors of the Shimuras. Tokyo: Kyūryūdō, 2009. ISBN 978-4-7630-0935-7(in Japanese and English) On the kimono of Fukumi Shimura and Yōko Shimura, and with text by them.
  • Sore demo emi o (それでも笑みを). Tokyo: Seiryū, 2011. ISBN 9784860293345.
  • Fukushima Fukushima: Tsuchi to ikiru: Ōishi Yoshino shashinshū (福島Fukushima 土と生きる 大石芳野写真集). Tokyo: Fujiwara Shoten, 2013. ISBN 978-4-89434-893-6(in Japanese) On Fukushima Prefecture after the tsunami.


  1. ^ a b c d e Tomoe Moriyama (森山朋絵), "Ōishi Yoshino" (大石芳野), Nihon shashinka jiten (日本写真家事典) / 328 Outstanding Japanese Photographers (Kyoto: Tankōsha, 2000; ISBN 4-473-01750-8). (in Japanese) Text in Japanese only, despite the alternative title in English.
  2. ^ a b c Profile of Ōishi, Nikon Corp. (in English) Accessed 2010-11-03.
  3. ^ List of awards, PSJ. (in Japanese) Accessed 11 December 2010.