During a seemingly standard training mission a month after the war with the White Comet Empire, the crew of the Yamato face a new enemy: the mysterious Dark Nebula Empire. Kodai, Shima, Yuki, and the rest of the ship's crew have to ally with their former enemy turned ally Desslar in order to foil the evil Dark Nebula's plans of strip mining Iscandar,the home planet of old friend Queen Starsha, who helped the crew during their first voyage.
^The studio went through numerous name changes, which are listed as follows for the sake of consistency with other articles listing the studio: Academy Productions (April 1973–July 1980); Tokyo Animation (July–August 1980); Office Academy (August–October 1980); Nishizaki Music & Video Corporation (October 1980–April 1983); West Cape Corporation (April 1983–August 1997).