The YaesuFT-891 is a HF and 6 meters all mode mobile amateur radiotransceiver. The FT-891 was first announced to the public by Yaesu at the 2016 Dayton Hamvention.[1] The radio has 100 watts output on CW, SSB, and FM modulations and 25 watts of output in AM.[2] As a mobile transceiver the FT-891 is well suited for mobile installation in vehicles, and weighing less than 5 pounds[3] it is often used for field activations such as Summits On The Air and Parks On The Air. The radio has been praised for its noise reduction and sensitive receiver.[4][2] Common criticisms of the radio include its many menus that are difficult to navigate with its small screen, the lack of VHF/UHF capabilities, and lack of an internal antenna tuner.[5][2] Although the radio lacks an internal sound card it still has input and output jacks for audio and be controlled over a USB cable allowing the radio to use digital modes such as WinLink, PSK31 and FT8.[2][6][7]