Wolverhampton Girls' High School, founded in 1911, educates girls from the age of 11 to 18. There are 1178 girls enrolled,[1] including about two hundred in the sixth form. It was previously awarded the status of Language College in the UK's Specialist Schools Programme, and converted to academy status on 1 April 2014.
Entry to the school is via the Shropshire, Walsall and Wolverhampton Grammar Schools Consortium (Adams' Grammar, Newport Girls High, Queen Mary Grammar and High School and Wolverhampton Girls High School), testing Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning and Numerical Reasoning.[2] These tests take place during Year 6 of primary education (in September). 11+ examinations must be taken in order to be enrolled in the school.
There used to be four forms according to which house a student belonged to, however the school now has six forms in each year. Subjects are taught in form groups in years 7 to 9 and then in option groups for the more senior years.
The 2006 A-level results placed the school in fifth place in the performance league table for all maintained schools in the West Midlands.
In 2009, 100% of girls who sat GCSE examinations gained 5 or more A*–C GCSEs.[3]
Since the 2017 GCSE reforms, WGHS has continued to perform highly in subjects. Notably, in 2019, three-quarters of results were a grade 7 to 9,[4] and 87% of students achieved at least a grade 4 in all 5 EBacc subjects.[5]