Originally known as Bransholme High School, the school was later renamed Winifred Holtby School, and some time later, Winifred Holtby Technology College. In May 2013 Winifred Holtby School converted to academy status and was renamed Winifred Holtby Academy. The school was given a substantial £38 million rebuild in 2011 under the Building Schools for the Future scheme and was twinned with Tweendykes Special School, who now share a small section of the building, and was opened in September 2011 following a minor delay caused by the collapse of the school's furniture supplier.[2][3]
In 2019 Winifred Holtby Academy liquidised its own trust and became part of The Consortium Academy Trust.[4]
Winifred Holtby Academy offers GCSEs, BTECs and OCR Nationals as programmes of study for pupils.