Wild Horse Hank is the adventure of a brave young cowgirl named Hank (Linda Blair), who is independent and has been around horses all her life. One day while out searching for her prized stallion, Hank happens upon some horse hunters who are rounding up a herd of mustangs to sell for pet food.[1] Hank follows the hunters into town and releases the horses. If Hank is to save these wild animals, they must reach the protection of federal land, but the nearest such area lies across a desert, through a river, and over a mountain range, altogether some 150 miles away.[2]
Pace, Hank's father (Richard Crenna), objects to Hank's plan to save the horses, but finally agrees to let her go. Hank begins her adventure, herding the horses toward the Rantan Game Preserve, but the epic drive soon becomes a contest of wills with the poachers, who are trying to outwit Hank whenever possible.