A new horror reality show was set to be held at the haunted Laperal White House. Jet, a gifted and renowned spirit questor was hired by Coreen, the show's producer as a guide. But as the show begins, a dark secret within the house starts to unfold. The show's participants start to get haunted by a mysterious lady in black one by one.
The film premiered in Manila on October 19, 2010.[5]
"Regal Film's White House could have easily become the horror movie of the year. But it suffered for its screenplay's lack of depth, too many characters and storylines to focus on." commented a review on PEP.[6] Spot made a more positive assessment, including the following check-list: "Ensemble cast of photogenic actors who can scream convincingly: check. Evil Presence embodied by a beautiful woman in a black shroud: check. Brave hero armed with holy candle and bottle of holy water (so handy in these situations): check. Ghosts of dead children: check. Slightly cheesy special effects: check. Screamers in the audience: watch out for them."[7]