Wekiva High School is a high school located in Apopka, Florida, United States. The school mascot is the mustang. The school colors are maroon, navy and gold. It was established in 2007 as a relief school for Apopka High School and Ocoee High School. Its principal since July 2023 is Kenisha Williams.[6]
In addition to typical academic, athletic programs offered by public high schools in Orange County, Wekiva High has a JROTC program, advanced studies program, and two magnet programs.
Wekiva High School's Inaugural AFJROTC cadet program competed at the 22nd Annual First Coast AFJROTC Invitational Drill Competition on January 16, 2010, at NB Forrest High School in Jacksonville, FL.[7]
Cambridge AICE Diploma Program
Wekiva is one of nine Orange County Public Schools to offer the AICE Diploma.[8]
Wekiva Culinary
Wekiva offers a culinary magnet program that accredits students toward Certified Food Safety Manager, Food Protection Manager (ServSafe®), and National ProStart Certificate of Achievement.[9]
Agriscience Academy
Wekiva offers an Agriscience Academy, a program that focuses on aquaponics, biotechnology, animal science, agribusiness, and horticulture. The curriculum offers dual enrollment, animal husbandry, and industry certification curricula.[10]