Directed by Tim Wolochatiuk and written by Jason Sherman, the film recounts the experiences of two residential school survivors: Lyna Hart, who was sent to the Guy Hill Residential School in Manitoba at age 4; and Glen Anaquod, who was sent to the Lebret Indian Residential School in Saskatchewan. We Were Children combines interviews with the two with dramatic recreations of their experiences.[2][3][4]
According to Hart, her participation in the film marked the first time that she had shared the full story of her time in the school. She has stated that she regards her involvement in We Were Children as a key step in her healing process.[2] Anaquod died in 2011 before the film's completion; a private screening of the film was held for his family.[3] Hart died in 2015 after the release of the film.[5]
Eagle Vision's executive producer Lisa Meeches—whose parents and older siblings were sent to residential schools, and who spent over 7 years travelling across Canada to collect residential school survivors' stories for the Government of Canada—has stated that the idea for the film originated from a discussion she had had at the Banff World Media Festival.[6] It was Meeches who approached director Tim Wolochatiuk with the project.[7]
CBC Manitoba reporter Sheila North Wilson assisted the production by translating material in the script from English to Cree.[9]
The film's cast includes both acting performances and interviewees, as We Were Children combines interviews of its two subjects with dramatic recreations of their experiences. Among the cast were:[10]