Władysław Frasyniuk (born 25 November 1954 in Wrocław) is a Polish politician, former activist of Solidarity trade union, and former chairman of the Partia Demokratyczna – demokraci.pl political party. He served as a member of the Sejm (Polish parliament) from 1991 to 2001.
In the new Poland, he was a member of liberal centrist parties. In 1990 he was a cofounder of the Citizens' Movement for Democratic Action (Ruch Obywatelski Akcja Demokratyczna, ROAD) (1990–1991). He was a member of the Democratic Union (Unia Demokratyczna) (1991–1994) and its vice-chairman (1991–1993), and after this party merged with the Freedom Union (Unia Wolności) he was its member (1994–2001) and chairman (1999–2005). He became one of the founders and the first chairman of the newest incarnation of that party, Partia Demokratyczna – demokraci.pl (2005–present). He resigned from the position in March 2006.