A critic from The New Indian Express wrote "This leads to a clash between the friends and the goonda. However, they use their brain and put the rowdy behind bars. The Ganesh Utsav happens successfully but then Razor Raja comes out on bail and he decides to take revenge. What happens after that forms the rest of the story".[2] A critic from News18 India wrote "Hari Krishna composes three fantastic songs including the much popular 'Yaarivali Hudugi' and the devotional number 'Vakrathunda'. Malavalli Sai Krishna has written funny and catchy dialogues. 'Vinayaka Geleyara Balaga' is a thoroughly enjoyable fare".[3] Shreyas Nag from Deccan Herald wrote "Vinayaka Geleyara Balaga is an absolute mass entertainer for the ones with a liking for spending time and money for everything except devotion at the time of festivals".[4]