German surgeon
Victor von Bruns
Victor von Bruns (9 August 1812 – 19 March 1883) was a German surgeon born in Helmstedt .
He studied at Braunschweig , Tübingen , Halle and Berlin, and from 1843 to 1882 was a professor of surgery at the University of Tübingen . His son, Paul von Bruns (1846-1916) was also a professor of surgery at Tübingen . In 1872 he was a founding member of the German Society of Surgery .
Bruns was a leading authority in the field of plastic and reconstructive surgery , particularly known for his work in lip and cheek reconstruction . He is also known for his pioneer work in laryngology , and was among the first to perform operations for laryngeal polyps and tumors .
Bruns popularized usage of absorbent cotton wool dressings, which later became a standard practice in modern antiseptic treatment of wounds.[ 1]
He died in Tübingen .
Written works
Handbuch der praktischen Chirurgie (Textbook of practical surgery); Tübingen 1854-60, two volumes, with atlas 1853 ff.
Durchschneidung der Gesichtsnerven beim Gesichtsschmerz ; (Transection of the facial nerve for treatment of facial pain); Tübingen 1859
Behandlung schlecht geheilter Beinbrüche (Treatment of poorly healed bone fractures ); Berlin 1861
Die erste Ausrottung eines Polypen in der Kehlkopfhöhle ohne blutige Eröffnung der Luftwege (Treatise on removal of a laryngeal polyp), (two editions- Tübingen 1862; Nachtrag 1863)
Chirurgische Heilmittellehre (Surgical therapy instruction); Tübingen 1868-73
Arzneioperationen oder Darstellung sämtlicher Methoden der manuellen Applikation von Arzneistoffen ; Tübingen 1869
Die Laryngoskopie und laryngoskopische Chirurgie (Laryngoscopy and laryngoscopic surgery); Tübingen 1865, with atlas; second edition- 1873
Die Galvano-Chirurgie (Electrosurgery ); Tübingen 1870
Die galvanokaustischen Apparate und Instrumente (Galvano-caustic apparatus and instruments); Tübingen 1878
Die Amputation der Gliedmaßen durch Zirkelschnitt mit vordern Hautlappen ; Tübingen 1879
Parts of this article are based on a translation of the equivalent article from the German Wikipedia.
NCBI Victor von Bruns (1812-1883) and his contributions to plastic and reconstructive surgery.
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