Victor Emanuel van Vriesland (27 October 1892, Haarlem – 29 October 1974, Amsterdam) was a Dutch Jewish writer and critic.
He studied at the gymnasium in The Hague and then at the University of Dijon. He was literary and artistic journalist, editor of a weekly magazine. He received the Constantijn Huygens Prize in 1958 and the P. C. Hooft Award in 1960. He was the president of the Dutch Pen Club. From 1962 to 1965, van Vriesland was President of PEN International, the worldwide association of writers. Van Vriesland writes as easily in French as in his native language and likes even the refinement of sintaxe and prosody:
Te souviendra
t-il de mon nom, de ma tendresse?
- Le vent qui bat ma fenetre sans cesse
1915 - De cultureele noodtoestand van het Joodsche volk
1920 - Herman Hana
1925 - Der verlorene Sohn (in German)
1926 - Het afscheid van de wereld in drie dagen (published in 1953)
1929 - Voorwaardelijk uitzicht
1933 - Havenstad
1935 - Herhalingsoefeningen
1939 - De ring met de aquamarijn
1939-1954 - Spiegel der Nederlandse poëzie
1946 - Vooronderzoek
1946 - Grondslag van verstandhouding (published in 1947)
1949 - Drievoudig verweer
1949 - Le vent se couche (in French)
1952 - Vereenvoudigingen
1954 - De onverzoenlijken
1954 - Kortschrift
1958 - Onderzoek en vertoog
1959 - Tegengif
1962 - Het werkelijkheidsgehalte in de West-Europese literatuur