Pedrosa was with Al Jazeera English in the run-up to its launch, and worked for the channel for six years full-time, from 2005 to 2011, and then as a freelance for a few years more. During that time she was based in the Asia-Pacific bureau, in Kuala Lumpur; at the main bureau, in Doha; and as a correspondent in the field, based primarily in Bangkok:[5]
Kuala Lumpur
Pedrosa was the lead news presenter at the Kuala Lumpur bureau throughout its life as a broadcast centre, from 2005 in the run-up to the station's launch, to the closure of the Malaysian broadcast centre, in 2010.
In 2013, she took a break from her work as a field journalist in the Far East to work as a relief news-anchor in Doha. Based at the main broadcast centre in Qatar, she presented news-bulletins on the flagship programme Newshour, but also appeared as the host of studio-based discussion programmes, such as the daily programme Inside Story, and the more specialist weekly, Inside Syria. She also hosted, from Indonesia, an edition of the extended-interview strand Talk to Al Jazeera.
In addition to her studio-work, Pedrosa was a respected field-correspondent for Al Jazeera English. As the Bangkok correspondent, she filed stories from Thailand and throughout the South-East Asia region. In November 2013, she returned to her homeland of the Philippines, to cover the aftermath of the super-typhoon.
Mrs. Navarro Pedrosa wrote a critical biography of the then-First LadyImelda Marcos, during the Martial Law Era in the Philippines. This risked retribution and political persecution by President Ferdinand Marcos and his regime, so the family decided to go into voluntary exile, in London.