In the same year, he married Elisabeth, and the couple had eleven children. From 1530 to 1532, Amerbach was in the Senate of the art department of the University of Wittenberg. In the 1538–39 winter semester he was Dean of the Faculty of Arts; he was professor at Pädagogium starting in 1529 and Professor of Physics starting in 1535. In 1541, Luther and Gregory Brück sent him to the Saxon Consistory of Wittenberg to participate in the sovereign government of the Church. With in-depth study of the church fathers, Amerbach came to a different conclusion, so that disagreements arose with Reformation ideas, particularly with regard to the doctrine of justification and of papal primacy. Then came his 1542 rebuttal of Philip Melanchthon's "Commentarius de Anima".
Conversion to Roman Catholicism
After much controversial correspondence with Melancthon, he left Wittenberg in 1543, and was received back into the Catholic Church, along with his wife and children. The Prince-Bishop Maurice von Hutten made him professor of rhetoric at Eichstätt. A year later, he went to Ingolstadt as professor of philosophy, where he remained until his death on 13 September 1557.[1] At the University of Ingolstadt, he lectured on Aristotelian philosophy and rhetoric. Soon he enjoyed a widespread reputation as a commentator on Horace and Cicero; he also tried his hand at poetry, likewise in Latin. During his many years of teaching in Ingolstadt, he was also committed to an equality with the rest of the philosophical faculties.
Veit Amerbach was buried inside the parochial church of Our Lady in Ingolstadt.
Oratio de doctoratu philosophico, in: V. Rotmar, Tome I orationum Ingolstadiensium. Ingolstadt 1571, sheet 351
Three letters from Amerbach to Julius Pflug 1548/49, in: Ch G. Müller, P. Epistolae Mosellani etc. ... ad Julium Pflugium ... 1802, page 119-125
Heinz Kathe: The Wittenberg Faculty 1501-1817. Böhlau, Cologne 2002, ISBN3412044024
Frederick William Bautz : "Amerbach, Veit". In: Biographic-bibliographic church encyclopedia (BBKL). Volume 1, Bautz, Hamm 1975, M. 144-145.
Carl Ruland "Amerbach, Veit". In: General German Biography (ADB). Volume 1, Cambridge University Press, Leipzig 1875, p 398.
Helmar Junghans: "Directory of rectors, vice-rectors, deans, professors and preachers of the Castle Church Leucorea the summer term 1536 and winter semester 1574/75". In: Irene Dingel and Günther Wartenberg : George Major (1502-1574). A theologian of the Wittenberg Reformation. Protestant publishing house, Leipzig, 2005, ISBN3374023320